11/17/19: I'm Back and Better Than Ever

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   Uh ha ha... hey y'all! I haven't updated this journal since summer, obviously. My life has been having its ups and downs, but it's definitely better than sophomore year where I was depressed as hell. Looking back, It's genuinely hard to imagine being that sad now. I've developed a hard shell that removes any sadness from its interior. Now it's just replaced with anger. I'm not proud of it, but I think that I'm starting to show symptoms of the same anger issues that my mom has. I'm not sad nor suicidal anymore, just mad. Angry all of the time.

   Also, remember that girl Clarice that I was crushing on last year? Yeah. She's graduated and living her best life now. It kind of sucks that I never got to talk to her, but I guess that's just how life goes. She also deleted her Instagram account for some odd reason, but everybody has their own reasons, right?

Anyways, back to me. Here's a list of things that happened these past months:

- I became a Junior. Horray!

- I started caring about my grades and I'm now maintaining a 3.5 GPA (really really good for me).

- Got new irl and online friends.

- Ended every toxic relationship I had.

- I started learning how to use makeup.

- Stopped vaping since track is starting up again.

- I don't drink anymore. Yuck.

- Work out three times a week.

- I completely forgot what I was gon' write about in the previous chapter (sorry).

- I talked with a German exchange student and got her number, Snapchat, Instagram, and every other social media she had.

- I became closer to the non-toxic people in my life.

- Love/hate relationship with my mom is leaning more towards the hate side.

- Updated this journal.

- I had to give my current crush advice on HER crush. It hurt.

- I started going to bed at ten or earlier.

   Anyways, that's all for today. Sorry for not updating so long (people who actually read this), and please PLEASE enjoy the rest of your evening/night. 💕

9:44 PM

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