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It's the day before Christmas Eve and we don't even have a tree. That should say a lot. My family has literally been torn apart. Everyone in my house is dirty and depressed. We're all constantly angry and yelling at eachother. My house is cluttered and full of boxes and junk. There's literal shit on the side of the toilet and on the floor of the downstairs bathroom and sewage flooding our laundry room. I'm so sick of everything. I wish I was never born, seriously. Then I wouldn't have to be going through all of this bullshit.

The only thing that is getting me through it right now is my girlfriend who only wants the best for me (even tho I know she has a hard time saying it because she's shy) and my friends who hang out with me from time to time. All my mom does is make me feel worthless and suicidal. She accused me of stealing $1,000 out of her safe... again, when in reality she already put that money in the bank. She knew she was wrong and gave me a half-assed apology that I know she only did to make herself feel better.

I'm so sick and tired of everything. If I don't get away from my mom soon I don't know what's gonna happen to me. It's like this is sophmore year all over again. Nothing but pain and depression. And the worst thing is, I know that I'm not mentally strong enough to handle it.

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