3/19/19: Outdoor Season

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  There's so much I wanna talk about that has happened since I've last updated. I'm sorry that I'm physically fucking incapable of keeping a daily journal. I'm really trying, but most days I just can't bring myself to open Wattpad on my phone or computer and actually... write. But I'm here right now, and I'm here to stay! In this entry, I'll be talking about track season (once again).

  Indoor season is finished, and outdoor season has finally commenced! I'm really excited to get myself conditioned on the bigger track, as I did in middle school. I swear, I could easily run laps upon laps in middle school on that 200m track, but now I can barely do two. That's pretty damn sad. Anyways, to achieve my goal of getting conditioned for that track I'm gonna start doing extra running and workouts after I finish normal training (which goes until six every day this week since we're doing conditioning and intense workouts, along with weight room afterward; we usually end at 4:45 or 5:30).

  Oh, wait! Before I get to the entree, I wanna talk about how fucking thirsty I am all of the time... and I don't mean that in the literal sense. I mean it in the sexual one. Let me give you a brief summary of my dilemma. There's this girl named Clarice who I've been highkey crushin' on. She's fast, thick, short, muscular, and super serious from what I can see; not to mention that she's fucking hot and that her pensive demeanor is hella attractive. She's the sprinter groups captain, and sadly, a senior (I'm a sophomore). About last week I had a dream about her. That's when this whole crushing situation began. I wanted to deny it, I really did, but then I realized that I could exploit this opportunity. It could make me less sad and allow me to have something to look forward to in school! So, I embraced it. The longing after her just became stronger and stronger with every passing day, and it's still rising. I always look to see if she's somewhere in the hallways during passing periods, just to see her for even one half of a second. She's constantly in the back (and front) of my mind. I used to look forward to Track because I'd be getting an opportunity to better myself and make myself healthier, but now the main focus is only to see her for an extended amount of time.

Speaking of an extended amount of time...

  During Track, we did super intense workouts. None of us were used to it at all, so we really had to push ourselves to finish. We did 15 200s (half of the track going 100%) and weight room till 6. All of us were being timed and cheered for, so we had that as motivation to finish. four girls threw up, and I almost fainted twice. But it's aight. I ended up finishing anyways.

  When we completed the workout, we packed our shit and departed to the school to go to the weight room. But guess what! My forgetful, tired ass forgot my drawstring bag on the track. I trained till 6 and then sprinted to the large oval to try and retrieve my belongings. Thank god it was still sitting in the same place.

Let's back up to what happened in the weight room before I got my drawstring bag back.

  My team and I walked down the steps into the musty smellin' weight room. The football guys were goin' at it, of course. We made our way into the cages of equipment and picked up the mandatory workout sheet that we had to fill out as we went on. My friends Lauren, Sarah, and Jay were all in a group with me. We did our first few workouts alongside... wait for it... CLARICE HERSELF! My awkward ass decided it would be best if I were to do my leg lifts and sit-ups as fast as possible to try and impress her. I successfully got her attention for a while, but my back and everything else hurt like hell afterward (WORTH IT). I ended up having to conceal my pain so that I wouldn't look like a lameo. She turned around with her back facing me and my group started to do cool-downs and stretches. While I doing that with them, my thirsty ass was steady scannin' her body up and down. I felt like a pervert, but I swear to god I couldn't avert my eyes from her toned ass. I got really sad when she left to go do another workout with her friend (the other captain). I literally wanted to follow her around just to watch her strut her shit.

  The highlight of my day was probably about an hour and 50 minutes ago (5:52 pm) when we were about to leave the weight room. We were talking about how our families were naturally athletic and how we didn't really have to do anything to maintain good bodies. You see, my family is naturally athletic... and I mean REALLY athletic. We are built for basketball, football, and running as a whole. We're super muscular (even the females) and nearly all of us have abs from nothing but genes.

  Jay was talking about how her family is also naturally fit and flashed her stomach. It was quite toned, but it wasn't what I had in mind. Lauren also flashed her stomach. Flat. Take into account that we were in front of one of those huge gym mirrors that allow you to watch yourself while you lift weights. While they were discussing their bodies, I subtly lifted my shirt for a split second in the mirror and put it back down only to hear two simultaneous gasps. I turned to Lauren and Jay to discover that their mouths were wide open, jaws dropped. They both had the same expression. It was the most hilarious thing ever, I swear to fucking god. I'm guessing that they didn't expect me to actually have abs. They broke out into laughter with shocked expressions still on their faces. They called Sarah (who was independently working out) over just to have me lift my shirt for her too. She was just as shocked as they were. It was super funny, seeing their reactions; as abs are just normal to me.

  In the end, I dashed out with my heavy ass backpack and retrieved my drawstring bag at the far ass outdoor track (as I stated earlier) and called my mom to pick me up. All in all, it was a good day. Oh! And by the way, I'm 100000X happier in my classes now thanks to Clarice. Thinking about her brightens my day instantly, and makes me more willing to talk to people. I'm working on making new friends in all of my classes. I've already made two, and I've made five from Track. I really enjoy talking to new people and seeing them open up to me as time passes. It's wholesome as fuck.

  I hope that the rest of the week is as good at yesterday and today was. We start spring break at the end of the week, and I'm headin' off to Minnesota for a while.

Life is... better.

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