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First of all, I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE... FOUR DAYS. I'M SO SORRY! I've been so busy lately for some reason. Actually, that's a big lie, lmao. I was busy on Tuesday and Wednesday because I was studying and shit, but yesterday I just took a FAT ASS nap and fell asleep for like... seven hours. I was awoken at 3:00 A.M. because my cousin was fucking dying (not literally). She could barely breathe because of her asthma mixed with the inability to not breathe through her nose. All I could hear was fucking nose blowing for like 30 minutes. When that was FINALLY over, she went back to bed and I stayed awake for another hour. I finally got back to bed at about 4:30 A.M., but slept through my 5:30 A.M. alarm. Overall, a fat F. But I still made it to the bus! Pats self on back.

Today is just another typical day. I'm writing this at school in my first period because, you know, I have no wifi at home. I'll finish updating this in my last period if I have the chance.
EDIT: I'm back, the day went smoothly.

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