Chapter 7

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The next day

Ally's Pov:

I go home after I spend the night at Sams house and I get a letter.

Usually it's just my mom checking on me. I pick it up and set it on a table.

I don't read it because I don't want to upset myself before my first date with Sam, my first date ever, and my first time going to the carnival.

I grab a random pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. Even know it's hot outside I have no other way to hide my scars.

I walk out of my house and walk to Sams house.

I knock on the door and Sam opens it with flowers in his hand. I smile and take them. He sticks out his hand and I grab it.

We walk to the carnival since it was a beautiful day out and it wasn't that far away.

Once we get to the carnival Sam pays. I would pay for half of it but I don't have any money, At all.

First we walk to a stand thing and like try to knock down the ducks or whatever you know what I mean.

He wins and gets me a huge unicorn like on despicable me. I smile and take it while my other hand grabs his.

I pull him to to this awesome looking roller coaster. It was the biggest in the whole carnival. I have to say I was kinda scared.

Once it was our time to get on my heart was pounding. What if I die or get hurt or embarrass myself in front of Sam or even puke on him?

"Are you okay ally?" Sam asks

God he's the best

"Yeah but I'm really nevous" I say

He smiled and patted my shoulder

"I am to but we'll have fun, it will be worth it." sam says

I smile back and the ride starts. It was amazing the wind in my face, feeling my stomach turn. It was the greatest feeling.

The rest of the day Sam and I just hung out till 9 when the fireworks were going to go off.

We sat down on a bench and waited for the fireworks. Most of the time we talked about pointless stuff.

Then the fireworks started. It was beautiful I have never seen fireworks before, well out of my window I have. It was just so pretty. Over all today was the best day ever.

I turned to Sam and he was looking at me

"What?" I giggled and asked Sam

"You just so beautiful"

I could feel my cheeks get red but it was dark so he probably couldn't really see it.

"Stop lying I know I'm-"

Sam cut me off by us kissing. It was perfect fireworks were behind us on our first date and it was him. It felt like it was only us in the whole world and I couldn't ask for anyone better to spend this day with.

He ended the kiss and smiled with his rosy cheeks. I had to smile back, his smile was contagious.

"Now don't ever say your not beautiful again." Sam says

I just nod

Sams Pov:

When we kissed. It felt like just us. Nobody bullying her and nobody hating on me, just me and her and the best day ever.

Of corse I've had other dates but this one was defiantly the best. I just feel a special connection with Ally.


I never want to lose this girl.

That One Girl // Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now