Chapter 29

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Allys Pov-

Sam was taking the longest time in the bathroom and i stunk so i just walked in the bathroom and here Sam singing 'Drunk in Love' by beyonce.

I turned on the sink and started washing my face.

"Ally are you in here" Sam says and stops singing

"Yep im just washing my face." i say and start drying my face off

"Why dont you get in here with me?" he asks and i smile

"No i smell and the O2l boys are going to find out and they will talk about it for the rest of there lives." i say and giggle

"So who cares"

"No sam im leaving and changing in your room"

"Ok and wear my clothes i love it when you do"

I just laugh and walk out of the bathroom and take off my clothes.

As i was grabbing one of Sams shirts and basketball shorts i heard a knock at the door.

"Hold on let me get dressed." I yell

"No im naked two and i need clothes." Sam says and groans

"Hold on just let me put on the-"

Sam barges in the door and grabs some clothes and starts changing.

I pull up my pants and lie down on the bed and scroll through twitter.

"Ugh you stole my only clean shorts." sam says and turns and looks at me with only boxers on.

"Well that sucks" i say still scrolling through twitter

Sam jumps on the bed and grabs my phone and throws it on a chair.

"Lets do something im boreedddd." he says trying to pull me up

"Noooooo im to lazy to do anything."

"Well then ill just carry you."

Sam grabs me and hold me bridal style. He walks downstairs and sees Nash and Cameron.

"Oh damn Sam put on some clothes." Nash says covering his eyes

Sam just laughs and puts me on the couch and sits next to me.

"Aww you guys are so cute i ship sally." Cameron says putting his hands close to his head and folding his hands

"I know" sam says and kisses me on the forehead

"Wait why are you losers here." sam says pointing at Both of them

"We were in LA and Jc told us to stop by so we did and Jc and Kian went shopping and forgot about us and Conner and Ricky went to somewhere i dont know so we pretty much just walked in not knowing you and Ally were here." Cameron says

"So you were going to rob us?" Sam said

"Yep totally" Nash says sarcastically

"So Sam how'd you get a girl that fine?" Cameron says and winks at me

"I dont know im happy i did though" Sam said and pits his arm around me
I scoot closer to him and Nash smiles. What a creep.

"So when do you think Kian and Jc will get back?" Cameron asks itching the back of his neck

"They went shopping so they will be gone for about another two hours." Sam says and we all laugh

We just made small talk about stupid things and i exchanged numbers with both of them. They seem really nice but Cameron was really awakward.

Cameron's Pov-

When Sam came down holding Ally i got so jealous. She was beautiful i mean Jc has talked about her and i never knew she was like.. perfect!

Sam always has to get the cute girls. Well guess what. Im getting Ally and theres nothin he can do about it.

Nashs Pov-

Once Jc and Kian came we made a video then stayed the night at there place. Once everyone got upstairs Cameron and I changed into our pjs and lied in bed. When i was about to fall asleep Cameron started talking to me.

"You know Ally is really hot right?" he asked turning on his side so we were facing each other

"Shes not my type but yeah? why?" i said

"I want her"

"Well shes taken sorry"

"Bitch i mean im going to take her from Sam"


"When she gets drunk ill make out with her and then Sam will see break up with her than she will have to go out with me."

"Dude that wouldnt work"

"I KNOW UGH why does this have to be so difficult?"

"Here i have an idea"

"What ill take anything"

"Just become really close friends with her then kids her and tell her how you feel."

"That wouldn't work she loves Sam"

"Well then i dont know bro just move on"

"I canttttt"

"Yes you can now shut the fuck up and go to bed"

"Yes mom"

I just smile and go to bed. Hopefully Cameron doesn't try anything stupid.

Sams Pov-

After Jc and Kian got home Ally and i got our penny boards and rode around town.

It was really nice since it was night and we held hands while riding which was really cool and adorable. God i sound gay.

After that we just went home and Ally's phone rang. I look over her shoulder and its an unknown number.

I didn't really listen to there convo because i was more worried about who called her because i could see Ally's face turn pale.

Great another problem! (Sarcasm)


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Okay anyway comment vote, and byeee!

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