Chapter 27

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Allys pov-

Once we got to the club Andrea introduced me to everyone and i looked around and Sam wasnt by me. Whatever hes old enough to do things on his own.

I felt someone grab my butt and i turned around and it was Sam. I was fine with it because he seemed drunk.

"Hey babe are we going to go hard tonight?" Sam asked

I just laughed because he was really drunk

"Yeah no im bot having sex with a drunk guy"

"Im not-" after that sam just passed out on the floor and Andrea and i laughed

"So thats your boyfriend?" we both laughed and i nodded

Sam and i got pretty wasted so Andrea drove us home. Once we got home i instantly forgot everything and woke up with a major headache.

"Why the fuck does my head hurt this bad?" i say and hold my head

"The better question is why are both of us naked?" sam said

"Wow great we had drunk sex" i said sarcastically and sam just laughed

"And looks like we didnt use protection either."

I just shook my head and feel back asleep after taking some Advil.

Sams Pov-

I fell back asleep and i had the same dream i have been having.

I watched Allys casket being lowered into the ground. Cameron was crying into my chest and i was rubbing her hair. "mr Pottorff would you like to say some things about Ally?" the man asked i nod and go up to the front where Allys body was.

"I have a lot to say about her because she was my whole world and i messed up. Messed up, lied, failed, this is all my fault Ally is dead. oh Allyson Marie Smith. I love you more than you would ever know. I remember telling her that i would never give up or leave her. But a girl lied and thats why Ally had to die. She had such a hard life but also a fun one. It was crazy and fun with her i dont know what to do without her. All i know is to stay strong because thats what she did. She is so brave and amazing i dont know how she stayed alive during her life. If i was in her situation i would have just given up. But she didnt thats what makes her so amazing. I will never forget our first date, kiss, the first word she said to me was dont hurt me. I wouldnt ever have a day where i wouldnt think about her. I am so lucky to even be apart of her life. I just hope she can hear me right now because i really mean all this. As you can probably tell i am so bad at giving speeches im sorry i just want to tell Ally one more time just how much i love her " I was crying and my whole face was wet i just fell to the ground and put my head in my hands and cried until Cameron hugged me and we walked off together.

I could feel myself crying harder than i ever had in my entire life. I whipped off all my tears and went back to sleep until i heard Ally.

Allys Pov-

"Sammmmmmm im hungryyyyy." i said hitting sam on the head

"You know that means that you go downstairs and get some yourself."

"But my legs hurttt"

Sam laughs and grabs his phone and calls kian after about 3 minutes he hangs up the phone and we just cuddle and talk about random stuff.

Kian bursts through the door with a 12 pack of tacos from Taco Bell

"Why the fuck are you both naked?" he says

"Shhhh and give us our damn food and leave." sam says and Kian leaves after giving us the Tacos

I get up and put on some clothes and so does Sam we both sit on the bed with my head on Sams chest and i turn on Bobs Burgers on Netflix.

Sams Pov-

After about watching 13 episodes of Bobs Burgers we both fall asleep again.

Dont get me wrong i know both of us has slept a lot but thats because we've done a lot in the last couple of days.

At about 1 in the morning both of us wake up and ride our penny boards to a ice cream parlor.

We both share a chocolate ice cream cone and ride our penny boards on the boardwalk. It was really pretty and peaceful. After a couple of hours we get back to the house and we go back to my room.

"Hey Ally do you want to meet my parents soon?" i ask and her eyes get wide

"I guess but what if they dont like me?"

"They will you can meet my little brother too"

"Okay" i give her a hug and we watch a couple of scary movies before 10 when Conner wakes up

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