sorry, i'm late

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I'm back. I'm finally back home. Well not exactly. I am in Mexico, the same place where I had to leave with the Skinwalkers two years ago. Where I had to leave my normal life back, Scott and my old self. I really wonder what Scott is doing right now. I wonder if he was thinking about me, the same way I was thinking about him. Every day. I don't really want to remember these dark and painful days right now, they're in the past and I am here to move on with my life. To start over. But I admit, thinking about Scott really helped me going through a lot of things. Whenever I felt like giving up and losing hope, I heard his deep and soft voice say, ''Don't give up. There's always Hope.''

I knew I did this training to not hurt anyone anymore. To not hurt innocent people again. But mostly, I did this for him. No, I definitely did this for me, but a big part of me broke down, the moment I saw him being scared of me. Of the monster I was.

My parents don't know that I am back, but the Skinwalkers told me that I can easily beam myself through the lightning when it's storming. It would work. I knew it. I was training it the whole time. I just had to focus to a place and produce enough lightning that brings me to the other place. And I'll teleport myself in nanoseconds there.

And would you look at that. It's storming. Thunder everywhere! Good.

This is my chance. I can't allow myself to make mistakes like the last time again, where I burnt my eyebrows away. Thanks to the healing-generating ability, they grew back faster than I thought. Although, training two months without any eyebrows wasn't really fun either. But at least they grew back, am I right?

And so it begins, I concentrate on that one lightning and at once I produce my own with my fox spirit. That way, nothing is going to hurt me or burn me. I feel the warmth of the ultraviolet light, the colours and darkness on my skin, but it doesn't affect me. The electricity going through my veins. I need to think of a place now, I decide to go to the Forest in beacon hills. Somewhere far away from the city. I just hope no one's going to see me.

And with one strike and a backflip, I land with one hand and both my legs on the grass. I even trained that.

I hear no one so I turn around and open my eyes. I walk around, it's dark and I can't see anything. Ironic. I don't even remember the way back from the forest to the city. And I don't even know if my parents or any of my friends still live here. Most of them wanted to go to college and I'm far behind that. And I bet they're all in a University. It'd suprise me even more, if I'd see any one of them here. But Beacon Hills is a start and although I always had to move around cities and well 'places' since I was young, Beacon Hills was the only place where I really felt home. This is my home. I am Home. I could easily just turn on my eyes to see but I lost so much power because of the teleporting. I should just walk and orientate on the city light Beacon hills offers.

I walk and walk and only feel the branches on my feet and the cold wind on my face. I hear someone. I hear footsteps now.

''Hey who's there?!'' I hear someone yell with a kinda strict and rough voice? It sounds familiar but I can't see anyone. Then the person lights up the place with his flashlight. The lights are flashing my eyes.

''KIRA? Is that really you?'' - The voice that I remember now clearly. And I see him.

''Hey, Stiles.'' I say, and smile at him.

• • • •

''So the reason why you were walking in the forest, at night, was because you lost your phone and tried to find it again?'' I look at him with a confused face. '' I don't believe you Stiles.'' We were driving in his car. It's not his Jeep anymore, it's a black mercedes. I had to look at it twice before getting in. But I didn't want to ask what he did with his Jeep. Didn't sound like a great beginning to start a conversation after seeing your friend whom you didn't see for two years. But he was still himself, joking around and being sarcastic. I didn't know I missed his side jokes, until now. It is really sweet hearing them again.

"And the reason you're here is because you beamed yourself from what, MEXICO? because your 'training' ended? Doesn't sound real for me either." He says, smirking a bit. He looks a little bit exhausted too, as if he's already driving for days. As if he didn't had sleep for a long time. I knew that face, I also feel like I didn't sleep for an eternity. As if I never got to rest.

''Hey Stiles'' I say in a calm voice. ''What is the real reason you were here? Did something happen to you? Please tell me.'' I look at him now. He looks tired. But he answers.

''I am a trainee at the fbi.'' That didn't suprise me. I always knew Stiles was going to make it. I always believed in him. ''I was driving home right now, to see my dad and everyone else. And As I was driving, I saw something.'' Now his face turned blank. He was scared. ''I saw something on the street.'' He says it with such a horrific tone that I almost shit myself. ''What did you see Stiles?'' I am confused now, what was walking at night here at the forest?

''A werewolf..-'' He says, cutting himself off. He can't finish his sentence. So he takes a long breath and starts again. ''A werewolf that looked like Allison.'' My eyes are wide open. What did he just say?

''But I didn't saw her today, I didn't even saw her in real life. I saw her in my dreams. And that for a long time now. Scott, Lydia, Malia and everyone else.. we're trying to figure out why. Because Scott says, he can also feel her. Smell her. But he can't recognize where the smell comes from. That's why I was here.'' He says.

I am confused again. I thought he was just going back home.

''You had a dream again?'' I ask. This whole story sounds ridiculous. He sounds ridiculous, as if nothing that he says is real. But.. something sounds familiar.

When I was training back then, I once heard someone say that it was the night of the Life and Light again. That former Kitsunes had a ritual thousand of years ago. In that ritual, a lot of people had to be sacrificed, so that one single Life can come back to life. But that ritual had many flaws. Those people who were supposed to come back, didn't came back as the creature they died as. They came back new. As something else. That's why they stopped the ritual. Maybe that's why he saw Allison as a werewolf?
But this can't be a coincidence?

''Yes I had a dream again. And it felt more real than ever. I just had to go and look for her. I'm sorry... I lied to you Kira. I just didn't believe you were really here.'' He says, uneasy. He himself doesn't know how to act correctly. I know now what is happening.

He still thinks he's dreaming.

''Stiles. This is not a dream. I am real. You are real.''I say, nervously. He doesn't think this is real. He looks at me with a shocked expression.

''Yes it is. I can show you.'' He drives his car into a tree and I yell ''STOP'' I can't stop screaming. I had to do something. This is real, everything is real and if I don't do anything, Stiles is going to kill us.

The car crashes into a tree. Everything shutters, Stiles head is bleading. There is glass everywhere, but I had to shut down the cars electricity and engine, so it wouldn't explode.
I take a lightning strike and control the cars energy. I control everything now.
I get out of the car and take Stiles with me. I find his phone and dial 911 and the sheriff.

I don't know how to get out of this mess now. I didn't expect my first day here to turn out like this. And I hope it'll be better.

• • •

*End of Chapter*

How'd you like it so far?

And don't worry, Scira is going to meet soon!

Love, Meli

The Fox and The Wolf #SciraWhere stories live. Discover now