It's not for my parents. It's not for you. It's for me.

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"I need a new sword." I say to my mom. She's still wearing her dark red sleeping suit. "Good Morning to you too, Kira." She gives me the 'are you really my daughter' look, which she didn't lose in all those years.

"Good morning." I mumble back. I decide to make some toast for breakfast. I open the fridge and take out all the ingredients I need.

I miss my old sword. It was kind of like a part of me. It was difficult not fighting with it, since it matched perfectly to my fighting skills. My sword made me stronger. I always felt like I could trust it and my Katana trusted me. We had a bond and now..

"Your father and I already knew that your Katana was destroyed. We are working on making you a new one. But you still have to wait a little." My eyes widen. I start to smile really hard and squealed a little. "Thanks mom." I say casually and biting in a grape.

My dad walks in, already wearing his working clothes. "Dad? Are you going to keep your job as a teacher?" He looks at me, grinning. I love it when my dad is happy, it instantly makes me happy too. "Yes, of course Kira. I was also thinking.. since you actually 'graduated' already, you need a job too." He's right. "And since you missed a school year, I was thinking, would you want to work as a teacher too?" He asks me. My mouth is wide open.

What did he just say?

"The Beacon Hills High School needs a second coach. And I told them, my daughter is really good at lacrosse and long story short, you could work as a coach-assistant there. Coach Finstock already knows how you play and he would love seeing you again." I wonder how my dad managed that. Isn't it illegal to let a non-sport certificated Person teach at a school?

"I could get caught."

"Maybe, but this way I can have my eyes on you. I know that you can protect yourself, but beacon hills still has some dark places." Dark places.

What happened in these last two years? First Scott and the others and now my dad.. they're all hiding something.

"What do you mean dad? Dark places? Did something happen?" I ask. I really want to know.

"Now is not the right time to tell you everything Kira. It's better if you don't know." My mom interrupts our conversation.

"Actually, we should tell her. Beacon Hills has gained more enemies now. Kira should know what could confront her." My dad says, sipping his coffee.

My mom just glares at him. "Alright." She says. I still didn't tell them about my confrontation with the mist-slime man. I wanted to, but I still didn't find the right time to do it.

"Two years ago, after you left, Beacon Hills was attacked by Ghost Riders." My dad starts to explain. "Ghost Riders?"

"Ghost Riders are capable of erasing someone from this world. People will forget about your existence, everything that has a little connection to you, will completely vanish, like it never existed." He says.

When Stiles said, he was forgotten too, did he mean he was captured by these Ghost Riders?

"But they just don't take one person. They want to erase cities and more. - when Scott and his friends fought them, they brought everyone who had been erased back. At first people ignored it, but soon many people started to notice that something was wrong. They knew about the supernatural creatures that exist. A long hunt between humans and werewolves started."  I didn't know I was holding my breath. This is ridiculous. Everyone knows about werewolves now?

"That's not everything. There are organizations which work for the regime, their duty is to capture every supernatural being. A lot of werewolves, mostly omegas have been captured by them." My mom talks now.

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