and i don't know how to fix it

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My parents arrived today. I checked out of that little motel room and moved back into our old house. I missed this house so much, I missed my bed, my room, everything. My parents never moved out of here, they said. Sometimes they were spending weekends here, to check if everything was still the same. My clothes are still in my closet and everything seems normal. Nothing changed. I take a quick shower to think about everything that happened today.

After Scott and I brought Josh to the police station, Scott wanted to talk to me. I declined and wanted to go home but Malia stopped me and insisted we should talk. Lydia and Stiles were there too.

"We need to tell you something." Scott looks at me, he is nervous.

"Spit it out, you guys are treating me like crap lately. Although I am not obligated to listen to you, I still want to know why.-" Before I could finish my sentence, Malia interrupted me.

"Scott and I are a couple. And that for two years now. We didn't wanted to tell you or rather Scott didn't wanted to. And that's not everything." Malia said, harsh with her words. I try not to look too shocked but I think my face speaks for itself. I didn't care if Scott had a new Girlfriend, I would've probably been okay with it.. but Malia? Malia? Malia and I were also friends. Really good friends. She knew that I loved Scott, I really cared for him. Even in those two years, not a day passed by where I didn't think about him. But what really gets to me, is that, Scott and I actually 'never' broke up. Malia knew that. Yet, she still developed some kind of feelings for him.

I don't know what to say, they're probably seeing my disappointing face.

"We also.. or I.. err." Liam tried to speak. "What?" I ask. He looks more nervous than Scott now. I didn't realise how grown Liam looks now. He still has his baby face, but he looks more mature now. "I broke your sword." that little son of a ***** did WHAT?

"YOU DID WHAT? PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS A JOKE LIAM?" I start to get angry. "I'm so sorry, I really am. But we had to. It's a long story. Please, please don't kill me with your new power. By the way, your new power is really badass, who needs a sword when you have a Fox inside you, right?" he says, squeaking with his voice and hiding behind Stiles. I follow him.

I try to slap him but Stiles holds me back.

"Kira, please. Can't we just be.. friends?" Scott asks.

"Friends? Did you just really say Friends?" I say, turning to him. He looks at me with sad eyes. He looks.. guilty? "When I left, I was traumatized. I was scared of myself. I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. I made a deal with those Skinwalkers, I took the risk to probably end my life right there, but I wanted to do it if it meant I wouldn't hurt anyone. If it meant, I wouldn't be a monster anymore. Don't get me wrong, I did it for me. I wanted to be normal again. But do you know what I actually learned there? I learned to control it. I learned to accept it and LOVE myself. I HAD to trust myself and to do so, I had to go through lots of pain. But I did it. I made it. And yes, I am being honest, I missed you. I missed all of you." My voice lost its sound. I lost my eye contact with Scott and just stared at the ground.

"I am not even mad, that you and Malia are a couple. I am mad by the fact, that you guys forgot me. I am not part of your pack anymore. I feel it. You guys, shut me out. " I say.

Stiles looks at me as if he understands. "I know how you must feel Kira. Lets just.. try again. Start again." His voice got soft at the end. "Why would you know how I feel like?" I ask.

"Trust me, a lot of things happened after you left. I was forgotten too. And when the nogitsune possessed over my body, I felt like a monster too. I.. still do, I guess. The sleep paralysis.. the visions of allison being a werewolf.. and panic attacks, it feels like it all happens again." He says, Lydia holding his hand tighter, but he lets her go.

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