i'm the hot girl

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"Is everything alright?" I ask Namiko. "You don't have to be scared." I know asking her in this hurry to live with me in beacon hills hasn't been a thoughtful decision for her. But I asked her because she lived alone in Estah and couldn't control her powers yet. I wanted to help her, but now I feel like she's not happy. Looking down all the time we've been walking around, she seems lost.

She just nods at my question.

"We need to find a way to get back to beacon hills, there are still things we need to take care of, people we have to protect. The Portal may have closed but it's not the end." Kira says, she looks exhausted.

I send a text message to Stiles, asking if he could pick us up.

Time has been passing by but I still didn't get a text back from him. I hope nothing happened.

"I am so hungry. And tired." Kira says, she looks so exhausted from here but still so beautiful.

Namiko is very confused. She looks at her hands many times.
Now that I think of it, she looks like a normal human. A normal child. What was she even doing in Estah. Now that I think about it, it doesn't even seem to me that she's from there. She didn't seem to belong there, does that mean Estah is not her hometown? If my theory is correct, where does she come from then? She did say she had parents. And she seems to know a lot about the supernatural world.

"Namiko, is everything alright?" I ask her, she looks up at me and smiles.

"Yes, Scott. But my feet hurt." She says. We've been walking around for a while and the fighting must have been exhausting for her as well.

I kneel on my knees and offer her my back.

"Get on my back. I will carry you." I tell her.

Without hesitation she gets on my back. She's very light.

"Thank you." She whispers.

Meanwhile I got a text from Stiles.

"Help us"

I had to read it again. "Stiles just texted me, he said that they need help." I start to panic. What happened? Are there still creatures out there? But we closed the portal?

"What? But we closed the portal. What do they need help with?" Kira asks.

"I have no idea. But we need to get back to beacon hills as fast as possible." I say. "We need to help them."

"I could try to teleport us. But my power is still weak. And I've never teleported anyone with me. I don't know if it will work." Kira says.

"Teleport?" Namiko and I say in unison.

"Yeah?" Kira just shrugs with her shoulders.

"Or, you could drive with me!" A too familiar voice said from behind.

"Hey Scott, it's been awhile." He says and smiles.

"Isaac." I say, wondering why he is here, but also greatly relieved. I can smell that that is him.
I can also wit another smell.

"Malia?" I say, seeing her getting out of the car. Or the van, I should say.

"Yeah, hello." She says and smiles.

"Let's Go. We'll talk on our way back." Isaac says and opens the doors to his van.

We're all sitting in the van, while Isaac is driving.

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