guess i saw something different

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"So, how are we going to find GRAN MEMO?" Stiles shouts in our direction. "It's not like we can summon him just like that."

"Yeah, he's right." Lydia agrees. "What should we do?"

"Trust me. I can find him" I say.

"And how are you trying to do that?" Stiles asks unenthusiastic.

"My fox fire can lure him to me. I just need to fuse it with my electricity." I think that's what the skinwalkers meant when they said I should fuse these two powers together.

"So, you are trying to summon it. Great." Stiles laughs a little but looks more intimidated than optimistic.

"That's actually a nice idea, Kira." My father starts to talk. "It may work. By fusing your fox fire with your electricity, you'll create magnetic waves which will draw gran memos magnetic waves to you. You guys are two opposites that attract each other. While you have the fire and electricity, gran memo has liquid powers. That's why he appears kinda slimy. Fire and Water.." my father just suddenly stopped talking.

Fire and Water? That doesn't seem to make much sense to me.
I should ask my dad what he means with it but he looks really sad all of a sudden.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

"Kira, I don't want you to fight him. But you're the only one who could.. and even if I wouldn't let you, someday you'd have to. I.. I just think it's too dangerous."

I hug my dad. A big hug.

I feel my tears running down my face. He is crying too.

"It's okay Dad. I'm not scared. I've been training for so long now, I can do this. Everything will be fine. Also, I can't let Scott fight for nothing now. He's also risking his life." I say.

"Kira, I don't want to lose you. You're my biggest treasure. I would rather give my life up for you, than you risking your life."

I look at my dad in the eyes. He looks tired. He's been fighting too. "Kishikaisei." I whisper. It's our family code. Wake from death and return to life. To turn a bad or desperate situation to success. He knows what I mean.

My father nods. "I believe in you Kira."

I look at everyone. " I don't want anyone of you to be here. Someone could get hurt. It could be used against me and come in my way. I want you all to return to beacon hills. When the portal opens, we don't know what could happen. And we also don't know how to close it. So be ready." I tell them.

Everyone nods and agrees.

"Be careful, Kira." Lydia says and hugs me.

We all look at each other. This is the last time we'll be seeing us.

"You too. Be careful everyone." I say and head off.

They all go in their cars and start driving.

Now it's my time. This place is perfect for a fight. A big empty area in the middle of nowhere, hopefully no one will be involved.

I take a deep breath and start to
concentrate. I take my Katana out and start focusing on my fox fire. Now I'm focusing on my electricity. I feel the power of both going through my body.

I'm waiting. I'm still waiting..


I feel like I did it wrong.. it doesn't feel like I merged them together. I have to try again.

Magnetic waves? How am I supposed to send magnetic waves? And if I send them, will he be attached to me?

I sigh, I feel so stupid.

The Fox and The Wolf #SciraWhere stories live. Discover now