You know what? I'm not sorry

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Well, that was fun being a coach for a day. Not only did I get fired, some of the students parents called the police on me. On a normal case, a Kitsune, aka me should get killed but thankfully Sheriff Stilinski has us covered. It seems he always saved Scott's and everyone else's back when people found out about their powers.

Thinking about Scott, we're going to meet again today. I want to talk to him. Not just about us but also about everything that happened in beacon hills. I feel like there is still a lot going on that I don't know of and I hate not knowing everything.

I also told my parents everything that happened. Apparently those  -beast- werewolves are not real werewolves. My mom said that 500 years ago a scientist captured one werewolf and did experiments on it. His goal was to turn the werewolf into a human without him being able to turn back into a werewolf. The scientist wanted to find a 'cure.' Instead of finding that cure, the werewolf grew bigger and even became stronger. Ironic if you think about it. The scientist experimented even more on that werewolf until he found a way to turn normal people into a beast werewolf without being bitten. He used the serum mostly on teenagers. No one knew why suddenly so many teenagers had died. The scientist did. Before anyone could find out the truth he vanished, leaving many non supernatural - supernatural werewolves back.

It became harder to kill the beast werewolves. Not even normal alphas were able to kill them so they had to find another way to stop them. It occurred that another scientist, who probably worked with the first scientist was able to put them in the portal. They vanished into the world where for example the Nogitsune was summoned from.

My parents were really surprised when I told them that one of them wanted to leave when we fought against them and that some looked nervous. My mom was even more surprised that Scott and I were able to fight and defeat them so easily. A fight against an Alpha Pack would've been more bloody, she said.

Anyways I'm going to meet Scott today and I don't know how I feel.  We kissed. I kissed Scott and he kissed me. Isn't it too rushed? I don't feel right just going back to him like that. I mean, I didn't saw him for two years. There are still more questions than there are answers. Although, I'd love to be with him again, try again, start new. I mean that's what I was planning to do when I came back, a new start.
I really don't know why there is a voice in my head saying it's not right.

The door bell rings. I walk downstairs to open the door. It's probably Scott. He wanted to pick me up.

I arrive downstairs and see my father already opened the door, in front of him, a tall and slim figure.


Is it a coincidence that the sunlight shines exactly at this moment on his eyes? Leaving a magical view right in front of me. His dark brown eyes are shining in a light brown now, he is so beautiful. Our eyes meet and he smiles at me.

"Kira, you're drooling." My father says. "What? No, I'm not." Why does he always have to embarrass me? Cleaning the saliva away with my hand I turn to Scott. He grins and I can't even be mad at him right now.

"We should go now, Kira." He says. "Yeah, let's go." I say and head out, kissing my dad on the cheek as a goodbye and walk out the door. "Don't be late." He says.

Scott came with his motorcycle. He gives me one of his helmets and puts his other helmet on. "Uhh, Scott?"


"Can I drive?" I ask. I always wanted to drive his motorcycle.

He laughs. "Of course."

I get on the bike and Scott sits behind me, putting his arms around me. His warm presence surrounds my body. "You know how to drive, do you?"

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