and i definitely don't want a boyfriend

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I am not able to put in words the feelings that emerge inside my chest for getting a new sword. I am so happy, my fox spirit could lose its control again..
Nah, I'm just kidding.

My new Katana. It's a black blade Katana. When my mom gave it to me, she was talking about how katanas with a black blade are special because they carry the will of their owners.
The tsuba (the end of the grip) of my Katana is in a crimson red. It's like this sword is meant to be mine. I feel such a strong immense power but also a really easy feeling of it.

Katanas are able to use 'outer powers' which means: they're supernatural. I am sadly not able to transform it into a belt like my last one, my dad said I need to respect my Katana or it won't respect me. I don't know what thats supposed to mean, but that's why it can't turn into a belt.

Anyway, since I am going to start working in the beacon hills high school, I somehow have to hide my sword. To be honest, I already thought about carrying it in my sports bag but I don't really want to put it in there although it's the only bag big enough for me to put it in there. So I do. I'll just have to keep my bag around me all the time.

I really wonder how working there is going to be. Today is going to be my first day and I don't feel ready. Going back to school is bringing up lots of memories. Memories of Scott. I don't know how to feel if I'm honest.

Time changed beacon hills. Everyone knows about supernatural creatures. My dad told me that a lot of people are scared and that they don't have any other choice than just keep on living..
He also said that maybe I could protect everyone in school. Obviously no one knows about my fox power but in an emergency I'd be there. The thought of being able to PROTECT at least someone makes my heart warm. I feel like I can really do it. And I want to do it. I am not scared.

I put everything I need in my bag and make myself ready to go. My dad is driving us in ten minutes.
I have to forget everything that happened before these two years. Forget my life before all that. I need to concentrate on myself, need to concentrate on this.

It's right, time has changed beacon hills. But it also changed me.

I won't lose again.

• • • •

The day is almost over, I still have one class left. The whole day I was just standing next to coach, my only job was to just listen to him and try to understand the game.
There were only two problems with that:

1. I already knew how to play lacrosse and
2. the only thing I was listening to was coach blowing his whistle, cursing everyone and muttering to himself always asking why he is still alive.

That was not how I expected my first day. There is only one class left and I didn't even do any sport today, I hope I can move a little now.

The Lacrosse team is going to play now. It's exciting to see more girls in the team now. Coach sees my admiring face. "This team wouldn't have looked like this if it wasn't for you, Kira."

"Huh, What do you mean?" I ask.

"You were the first girl ever in a lacrosse team in this school. I guess more girls got interested and opened also doors for them." He says.

Before I could say anything, Coach Finstock does what he's really good at, blowing his whistle.

"Listen Everyone.." his voice strict and loud. "Today we have a special guest, Kira Yukimura. She played two years ago in the lacrosse team and was the first girl ever in a lacrosse team here, so before I start getting sentimental, she's going to coach you today."

The Fox and The Wolf #SciraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu