and i meant it

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•Scott's POV•

My alarm is ringing. I press the stop button and try to wake up. These days it's harder for me to get out of bed. A lot of things are going through my mind. And it feels like as if something terrible is about to happen and I can't take control over it.

I'd rather just lay here in my bed and never get up.

But I have to, my life still goes on and nothing is going to change if I still lay here.

I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and go downstairs. Mom is already at work. She left me twenty dollars and a note that says "I'll be home late."

These days it's harder for her to stay at home.

So many people get hurt because of all these supernatural creatures. It's so hard to fight against them, we've been fighting for so long.

After Stiles got attacked by a psychic chimera, he started to lose his mind. He saw visions of his father being killed. He saw everyone getting killed. He got tortured by these visions. It was too late for us to find him. And that all happened because we wanted to fight. It all happened because we were acting reckless.

After that incident we decided to stop. We won't interfere in these fights anymore.

At least, my friends won't. I've been training secretly on my own. As a true alpha I developed better fighting techniques and I am able to not just take away people's pain.. I can also heal them.

The healing part isn't really trained enough, by far I was only able to heal little scratches. But it's a beginning. It's a start.
I've been training a lot with Deaton, my boss from the vet. I told everyone that I started to work there again but I actually meet him so we can learn new things. He says that because of the things that are happening now, we shouldn't stop fighting. Things will only get worse. The more we ignore everything, it will be harder to fight and win later.
And I think he's right. I still want to be able to protect my friends and family and everyone else.

I found out that I can shut down a werewolves energy system. Normal werewolves are not capable of doing such things. Through my eyes I can see everyone's weak spots, when I hit those with my fist, it shuts a werewolves system down and could actually kill a human. Of course I wouldn't do it.

I take out my phone, I need to ask Malia if she has time to meet me today. I have to end things now.
I got two messages from her.

Hey, Scott.

We need to talk.

That is scary. Why does she need to talk?

I answer her back.


I also need to talk to you.

I still wonder why all of this happened between us. It felt too rushed and there has never been a real start with us. At first, I only saw her as a good friend. As a pack member, as a girl who was definitely still in love with Stiles. We grew into a big family and I never really thought about getting into a relationship with her.
The time when we all searched for Stiles, when we tried to fight the Ghost Riders, something must have happend between us. But just as fast as these feelings came, they also vanished.

I need to end this. I have to. Not just because i'm still in love with Kira, but because the relationship between me and Malia is just wrong. We're not happy. And we both know it.
I even think, she still has some feelings for Stiles.

I put on my shoes and take my keys. I hope I don't mess things up.

• • •

"What did you want to talk about, Malia?"

The Fox and The Wolf #SciraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora