
1.7K 13 6

Stardate:- 26/1/2310


Suspect transport vehicle detected over north baltman ocean. Use of lethal force authorized. Carrier is transporting extremely precious cargo, it is to be apprehended in undamaged condition.

This message received by the CSC marcus thrust the staff onboard the imperial rectangular vessel approaching the outer orbit of Zymen into a frenzy of action.

Following protocol, from the many compartments along the lower surface of it's massive body, two opened, and out dropped into free space, two B-23 hawks. In a few seconds there engines combusted, giving out a devilish flare and propelling it into warp speed.

These two heavy assault planes carried firepower enough to bring down a small army. The B-23 had the standard confederation designs of simplicity. The plane had a basic thin cylindrical main body with two short arms extending from its sides along the upper portion that held two twin blade gattling cannons. A little behind it were the main wings expanded over a larger wingspan which carried the engines moulded in the centre of the wing. The exhaust was inside the wing and not below it as usual. This was done because tests had proved that the engines below caused it to restrict the maximum velocity the plane could possibly attain. At the tail were four arms diagonally placed across each other carrying the heavier artillery.

The two hawks dropped lower until they reached higher fringes of the atmosphere, passed through the thick cloud cover swiftly and in a stealthy manner and emerged a few hundred kilometers over the baltman ocean. Running on maximum velocity, soaring above the baltman on afterburners they swooped towards the target.

Soon the target popped up their radar. In the far corner of the horizon were a fleet of vessels moving in their military protocol stated standard velocity.

Hiding within the mist of the ocean, the B-23 approached the convoy. The convoy consisted of eight escort vehicles surrounding the massive transport at the centre of their star shaped formation.

All the escort vehicles were the standard X-9 light fighter jets. Perhaps the convoy wasn't expecting any trouble but they were in for a surprise.

The X-9 jets were having diamond shaped wings and the weapons loaded along the lower side of the wings. In the centre of the diamond was an extension of the engine in which was the head of the AI console . However the escort vehicle was more advanced. It had the same shape as the X-9 but at the rear end it had two arms in the back with a full cycle rotating gattling cannons , the anterior diamond held a force field in which the material was carried.

The operators of the unmanned B-23 who were seated onboard the CSC Marcus wondered what was it that sparked so much curiosity but carried on nevertheless the task they were assisgned. Few miles from the target the B-23 let loose eight MC-3 missiles.

The missile on launch was just like an ordinary one but as it neared the target the side compartments of the missile flung open and out came six other missiles. These auxillary missiles were designated to the vital parts of the plane's engine. Hence, achieving maximum destruction. the missile carried its task and on impact the eight X-9 escort jets exploded into a flame of fire and fell into the ocean. Now the B-23 were reaching the main part of the problem - the carrier ,the X-15.

When the escort vehicles were hit in a desperate attempt, the carrier vessel burned its afterburners and zoomed into mach 16. The B-23 in tight pursuit continued firing their Gatling cannons and at the mean time they were dodging the carrirers firing cannons that was trying in desperation to shoot down the jets but in vain. In no time the X-15 reached a totally battered condition and when it sensed there was no escape it did something none had anticipated.

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