The Call

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Chapter 2

Star date:-26/7/2310

Planet:- Central Earth

The conference room was bustling with activity, the generals of the entire milky way higher echelon fleet were present.  The confederation advanced fleet was comprised of two parts, one fleet was in the milky way named the imperial fleet  and the other in the quartan system.

Due to the energy barrier ship movement through the Stargate had been kept on hold for sometime.

And then the door swung open and the room went all silent.

The entire room stood up in attention, everyone in the hierarchy stood up starting from the clerk who was pushing files up to the three star generals, for the VIP who had entered was the admiral general - Lucas Kahn, the highest authority in the military hierarchy.

A man of a moderate build, about six feet, black hair enough to cover his scalp having a battle scar across his left  eye damaging it,  leaving the eye with cloudy vision while the other eye intact showed a bluish tint. He had grown old and used a crotch to support his left damaged knee all the remnants of a battle he had fought long ago.

He was one of the founding members of the toshokan domination, a planet which the confederation had conquered in the quartan system.

The general came and took a seat at the center of the round table, as soon as he took the seat he waved to the other people in the room signaling the at ease gesture and they all took their likewise seats.

Even after they had all taken their seats only two - thirds of the table was filled, the rest as he saw was for the commanders in the Quartan fleet.

Few moments later, the conference began. The quartan fleet commanders joined the conference via holographic projections of themselves.

After initial greetings and salutes meeting came to pace.

" What is the current status on occupation of Zymen, commander?" asked the admiral.

" Sir, we are losing ground much faster than we had further anticipated. We are now down to Fort Zanon. The last of our ground on Zymen, our only stronghold left in that territory." replied the already fearful commander Dael Murkas, whose hologramic projection was placed a few feet away from the admiral.

" Are you saying these local tribesmen, people who build these spinning wheels have found out ways to beat our state of the art equipment?." questioned a furious admiral.

" Yes, sir." replied a dumb commander.

" How do you suppose they are doing this?"

" I do not know sir."

" What is your status on recovery of the transport contents?"

" I do not know sir."

" Is there anything you do know at all? Or am I talking to a wall?" the admiral's anger spiking.

" At the moment I'm afraid that the answer to your questions might anger you."

" Dael, I gave you the most advanced fleet ever to be created in history and you threw away the opportunity of a lifetime. Fix it, or else someone else will while you are tasting the dirt of your prison cell." warned the admiral.

The hologram of Dael dimmed out stating he was phased out of the meeting.

Dael sat there in the conference room staring into the camera placed on the long rectangular table of his conference hall. The room was in the centre of the bridge of his ship with look through glass walls on all sides giving a clear view on all sides of the room and the bustling activity that was going on, in the last days of the confederation on Zymen.

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