Strength And Weakness

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Chapter 7

The perks of being a member of the Spartan Core is that, all recruits are paid in quantities much larger than the normal soldiers. When they have to be deployed they are given enhancements both in terms of physical capacity and their inventory.

The government does not approve of such questionable acts and in order to keep them totally discrete and off the books they outsource these operations. Usually science corporations and universal companies would rush in whenever such opportunities arrived for these contracts were often signed with incentives, benefits such as tax redemption and mostly such contracts allowed the corporations to display their ideas, creations and talents which were impossible if not for this small gap of opportunity.

 Whenever a Spartan Core mission is assigned, corporations send their representatives to analyse and assemble data on the recruits that have been assigned or they can give in their list of recruits as well. The military gives them private unmarked buildings to conduct their tests and to do their trainings.

It was almost midday, Fazil had taken the members of his team to the test centre that was a few kilometers out in the ice away from the base. Their transport was the regular hovercraft that swayed over the ice noiselessly and effortlessly.

By midday they had begun their session.  

They entered the training room. The training looked more like an interrogation hall.

There was a partition in the centre. On one side of the partition was the place where the scientists, analysts or the gadget handlers were. On the other side were the subjects or in this case the recruits.

They were now testing the strength of Mark assigned to be Quake in this mission. To go through his trial they had placed in the room a brick wall which was about one feet thick. This was done to test his strength and based on this test result they would prepare his suit. After a few moments of speculation of the safety of the room, whether the thickness was proper , proper functioning of the pressure transducers etc. They called in Mark.  Other than Mark there was only one person in the room that was Fazil to explain the reason the test was being conducted

“ Would you like to explain to me what this is supposed to do? Why am I here facing a fancy wall with all these glowing lights?” Asked Mark.

“ You are assigned Quake that means the muscle of the team. So to figure out how strong you really are, the analysts need you to punch with your full strength a hole in this wall.” Explained Fazil.

“ Ok I don’t know whether I can punch a hole but I sure can make a dent in its structure. Care to give me a pair of thin gloves, I like my hands protected from the roughness.” Requested Mark.

After the preperations were made, Mark took a few steps back, took a deep breath and with a clear mind took a firm grip on the floor took a quick step forward swung his arm back and diverted his full strength to his arms and with as much force he could punched the part of the wall where he felt comfortable for .

 A thick cloud of dust emerged out of the wall and condensed down. The pressure readings spiked charts, the people on the other side knew they had found the perfect man, he was definitely nothing like the others, he had superhuman strength. Of course the test was not completely successful they would need a few more days to perfect his skills. The wall in itself did not have a hole but there was a dent that was about eight inches in, so the test was about 80% complete.


Meanwhile in the other room the tests were being conducted for the other two recruits i.e. for Kylie and Kabir . There tests were more upfront, they had to fight their way through a line of twenty soldiers with wooden sticks while the soldiers had real ones. This test was conducted to test their fighting capabilities.

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