Hidden Agendas

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Chapter 12

Stardate :- 26/8/2310

The breeze blew through the dense green forest air. The humidity taking it's toll and causing the two wanderers to sweat profusely without any control. Their training exercise was not going as well as they had planned.

They were assigned to finding a cave in this dense rainforest. One of the rarest terrains in this solar system, the presence of the two suns made it near impossible to sustain such a forest. Their location and the location of the cave were both not disclosed.

They were strapped on with the Transcon V suits. It's physical enhancer and advanced weapons guidance though gave them an advantage over any regular hiker but still was no match for the harsh environment they were making their way through.

Both the hikers were slicing through the thick green branches of the trees and making their way through the muddy path of the forest. They were both once inhabitants of earth. Feeding of their parent's wealth before as confederation privilege stated unemployed children are better off in the army than at home.  They did join the army and served the nation gloriously but one fateful day while making their routine trip on the outer orbit of Toshokan. They were ambushed by the Alpine troops and thrown into a cell held captive for months.

Finally one day a man showed up at their cell. They didn't know who he was but had some type of tribal paint on his face. Inscribed with tattoos which were too dark to read. The person dressed up in a long robe unveiled his head. The bulb behind him lit his shaved skull also covered in the paint, to unveil the tribal tattoos.

He showed them the purpose they fought for, the injustice they had all suffered and why confederation's days were numbered.

The two seated in the cell for months, bathed in sweat and wreaked with their sweat. Though wanted to get out of their misery but were even more interested in his purpose.

They took a hold of the blade he handed them,  pointed it to their palm and made a nice long and smooth cut through the center of the palm. They swore a blood oath to the person. The guards later escorted them into the quarters of the man's personal soldiers. Who worked at his will.

Their they were disclosed that this man was none other than the ghost of Zymen - General Linx.

The general had assigned them to go to this planet and search for a cave. The UPS was still sketchy. The soldiers climbed up to a mountain hoping high altitude could reduce the distortion. They reached the peak and their assumption was right, the UPS did clear out and what was even better was the fact that they had reached the coordinates the general had sent.

They were still not sure as to why the general would give false coordinates because the peak was like a plateau and hardly a few feet in diameter. Definitely no chance of a cave because they had made their way up and down a few times already.

One of the soldiers made the call to the general after a few minutes of thinking and despite the other one's resistance and denial to the thought.

" General we are at the coordinates but there is no cave here. We have traversed through the mountain multiple times to no avail. We do not know what to do." said Traverion.

The screen lit up a few feet above the soil. The screen was razor thin and was working on some unexplainable technology a few inches in diagonal length.

The general was on the other side, he heard their comments looked at his wall clock that was behind his screen judging by his line of sight.

" Wait for it, in a few seconds I want you to look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

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