Might of the Empire

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Chapter 10

Fazil tracked the disturbance on his SNS, he narrowed it down to the ammunition warehouse located a few kilometres from him.

There are a few things he knew he had to deal with now and team chemistry was on top of his list. Mark and Kabir he knew from the starting would never bear each other's presence but he felt if given a chance they could forget their differences and work together but now he felt it was all a misconception of his. These two need a greater push.

He passed through the commotion of troops stealthily hiding behind weapon crates, barracks, sticking onto a troop carrier, knocking out a few soldiers and many other ways of his. He reached the rear side of the warehouse, now standing there trying to figure a way of getting inside because the front was covered with an army of soldiers ready to blast a hole through the wall to get the infiltrators.

Fazil stood there thinking a silent way to make a hole, he first thought a C9 could make an explosion but that would be too loud. He thought perhaps he could use the corrosive gel but it would time he didn't have.

He stood there for a while thinking. When suddenly the wall tore apart a few inches away from him and into the air through the hole in the wall flew a man. A few seconds after the dust settled, the hazy appearance of a suit of a colour similar to his appeared and he ran towards the person.

Judging by his size he knew it was Kabir. Through the hole he could see Mark standing there his red face clearly seen even though the helmet had covered his head and the scope over his left eye didn't hinder that appearance.

" I tell you both, one thing! One freaking thing, don't screw up and fight like two kids and you do exactly that. Get up you both, head to the sewers. Everyone into the sewers now! Miriam I hope the charges are all set? Set detonation for ten minutes! There's nothing left to be salvaged here. Karl Zine is dead! Move, move, move!" said Fazil shouting the instructions around to all of them. Picking Kabir and pushing him through the hole and into the hole in the ground Mark had blown.

" Wait, how did he die? Weren't we supposed to get him alive for interrogation?" asked Kabir.

" I am already having a bad day, don't push your luck!" said Fazil in an angry tone.

" Ok, just curious. Chill bro!" said Kabir placing his hand on Fazil's shoulder calming him down.

" I am not your brother! I place faith in your maturity and ask you not to screw it up and this what happens. Your behaviour stabs me in the back, this was a stealth mission and now it's a havoc, half of the alpine empire knows this by now. And if we get back alive i am sure this will be on the front page of every universal news agency. I am not going to go down in history as a person who brought the confederation to war! So, suck it up and let's get the hell out of here! We will deal with what to do between you both once we get back! " said a frustrated Fazil.

Silent from the shouting, the three along with the hostages into the sewer system.

The sewers were all of castle like build about twenty feet high and had knee deep water. They had the regular brick finish which exclaimed that this base had existed since a long time and had been recently renovated for military purposes. A straight channel leading into the outlet, the drain was a few hundred feet from solid ground a definite sky dump.

A new section of architecture where castles are built on high altitudes so that their waste water pass through a few hundred feet air and get settled down as solid waste as most of the water mostly gets absorbed by the mountainous soil or gets evaporated from the high temperature when that side of the moon gets exposed to sun in it's few hours of daylight.

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