Assembling the Spartans

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Fazil was  sitting in the monastery of Sensei Wuchin, the priest .

He came here to meet the other two profiles. It was given in files that these two individuals came here to learn Kung Fu in their spare time after work. The institution in itself followed the plain and simple designs of Japanese architecture.

Despite the advanced lighting present in the market, the entire place was lit up by only candles. No air conditioning equipments, only natural breeze to cool the room. They were seated in a massive room that was in itself ripped of all luxuries, all it had was a thin straw mattress, a bowl of water in the corner, a bed and a few other essentials. However, one side of the room had a sliding door as a means of entry and exit to the room.

The walls were all made of straw and paper. The light from the corridor seeping through the thin coating of the walls.

Fazil sat on the mattress with his legs crossed  and roughly a metre in front of him, seated in the same manner was the sensei. He was a man well into his 60’s with a bald head, a handful beard but this all contradicted his body that was in a very proper shape. There were very few aging signs on him and together with his green nearly shut eyes and thin nose he definitely looked like a man in his 40's.

Fazil had been sitting in front of the Sensei  waiting for some time. But the Sensei could not hold back his curiosity of his proposed work with his students and finally asked the question.

“ Will you now tell me what is it you are here for?”

“ No, it's just my company wants to recruit your students and they have sent me.” Replied Fazil.

"Can you tell me, the kind of work your company deals with?" asked the curious sensei.

"I am sorry sir, but I am not at liberty to talk about that." replied Fazil waving off his question.

“ I hope what you say is true because I don’t like my fighting skills being used outside.”

Fazil kept quiet not knowing what to say because their fighting skills are what have struck his eagerness in the first place.

The conversation was interrupted by the sliding of the door made. The door slides and in come two people.

He immediately recognized them from  the files, one was a lady exactly like the hologram, a brunette having similarities to a girl of possible arab descent, she had blue eyes long straight hair long enough to reach her shoulders  neatly  done into a pony tail, she was roughly in her 20’s, slim curvy shape proper fight capable by the judgment of it.

The other had similarities to a Japanese, he had red hair similar to the hologram, the scar pretty much there running from his eye down to the middle of his cheek it was just a fact to wonder how his hazel eye had been spared , he was of a medium build roughly Fazil’s height and body shape the only difference being that he looked a bit more athletic, a factor he guessed must have been influenced by the sensei's martial arts training.

The Sensei asked permission and left. On Fazil’s request the two came and sat down in front of him crossed legged and upright posture.

“ I have a proposal for you. The military requires your service.” Said Kabir.

" No, the military is a bad place. It is the avenue for killing in a dishonorable way and it's all forgiven just because you are doing it for a greater good, even though it is for selfish motives. I'm sorry but we can't accept it." Said the Brunette bluntly who introduced herself to Fazil as Miriam.

" Everything you said seems logical and I know nothing of your past hence, cannot judge you. But tell me something, you are an average human being, right?" said Fazil totally swiped off his feet for this gesture was the last thing he had expected from this lady.

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