Darksand Prison

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Chapter 3

 Fazil sat in a bar, sipping on a glass filled with an exotic mango juice filled with flavours from different fruits endemic to this plane, for the common man getting a drink like this was far greater a pleasure than any alcohol could give.

Fazil took a look at his surroundings, the club was bustling with people alien as well human. The aliens on this planet were named Normins, they looked a lot like humans except the fact that they had a sealed nose and their eyelids closed in horizontal motion instead of the regular vertical motion of the human eye.

The club played a fast paced trance music at usual high volumes, a taste in music that hadn't changed for a few centuries now.

He was seated at a circular table, with his drink placed on a neatly folded napkin, a bartender a few tables in front of him. A little to the right of the bar tables that had very few people seated there was the small door that lead into the alley behind the club. This club was very scarcely populated when compared to the others in this city.

His skills of observation were interrupted by the ringing of his phone. The glass slate illuminated and pinged a request for a transaction.

It was Karl , he was here and it was roughly 2400 hours as he had mentioned. Fazil accepted the request. He put on his overcoat, gulped his drink and proceeded to the door.

When he swivelled the door open he felt his coat tug open a bit and he felt there added weight in the concealed inner pocket of his coat. The transaction was successful, he had placed the file in his coat unsuspicious of anyone around him

This was usually how Karl did business, nobody but the client and him know anything about the deal that has taken place. That was precisely the reason he liked such dark places


Fazil was moving through the heavy traffic at peak hours on his motorbike, but he didn’t pay heed to the traffic  conditions because during the journey he was also preparing his thoughts for the first encounter with his first profile.

The file clearly mentioned mentally unstable and violent to acts of patriotism followed by enemy of the state and a list of complaints. And seeing this Fazil just grew fonder of him.  

It took him almost a little over two hours to get through the city’s traffic. The main reason of such commercial buzz on the planet was that after earth Quartin was the planet with the highest population and major ministries under the confederation empire.

He then zoomed passed the vehicles in the surrounding desert areas of the city. The prison was located twenty kilometres away from the city, this was kept as a precaution so that any escaped convicts could not reach the city easily.

The high precision sentry turrets on the three guard towers behind the walls overlooking the scenery and hunting any moving human targets within the desert premises after getting their intel through a hardwired database. This also provided convenience for the authorities so that they could catch the convict before he reached the city. But if they couldn’t the turret would instantly vapourize them before they reached anywhere near the city.

Fazil sped through the vast stretches of the desert on the well built highways, these were inter-city highways  connecting cities on Quarnin.  After another half an hour of crossing the city he reached the prison facility.

He stood there near his bike and looked up to admire the huge door of the facility, it was around thirty feet high and twenty feet wide. He felt by the look of it that if not a prison it could have been gates of some war factory for it had a plane design with no engraving or markings. But his thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door. The door due to it's massive weight had fourteen engines that opened it slowly, portraying that this prison did not have any visitors from the main entrance. Most transports came in through the sky, with jets transporting the prisoners meant for transfers or release.

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