chapter 3

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The heavy breathing of the younger was the only thing he, himself, could hear. He was still crouched on the floor as he stared at the sunglasses the other was wearing.

The man just kept his head towards Jungkook, before he did something. The mask was then pulled up the man's face, revealing his lips, which formed a smirk.

"What's a young boy like you doing here at a time like this?" Said the elder.

Oh how Jungkook wanted to argue with the man, state that he was indeed no longer a boy but a mature adult. Instead he said something completely different.

"E-erm well err just feedi-ing my... a-ah s-snake?" The boy wanted to slap himself at his choice if words. What the hell was wrong with him? Feeding his snake? That was the stupidest reply ever. He was focused on a sweet wrapper that contained a picture of a snake, so of course he panicked and used a sweet wrapper as his lie. Genius move Jungkook.

"Feeding your snake? At a store? In the middle of the night? Hmm as convincing as that sounds, baby, I don't believe you." He grinned, a somewhat sinister grin. "I'm afraid I'm already running late. It would be a shame to kill you as you are utterly adorable, but frankly I don't care."

Jungkook was screaming inside as he saw the older male take out a gun.

The younger was frozen in fear at the sight of the weapon. A scream was heard throughout the store, snapping Jungkook out of his shocked state. It was Jin. He hoped Jin wasn't hurt. The worst possibilities came to mind as he thought about his friend. He could be dead. Oh please, god no, let him live. Jungkook started tearing up at the thought. He needed to get to Jin.

"Seems like that's the end for your friend. That's too bad for you. I guess the same fate will happen to you. Better say goodbye, darling." The man smirked while lifting his gun to point at the terrified boy.

The boy stared at the ground. He wanted to be home, with Jin, watching kdramas together while drinking hot chocolate. He wanted that. Instead he was here, trapped in a store with a bunch of killers, about to get murdered.

He didn't want to die. No. He refused to die. He still needed to see the next episode on his favourite show. He needed to plan Jin's surprise party next month. He still owed Yugyeom a meal. He wasn't going down yet.

He saw the other male load his gun as it was pointing directly at Jungkook. The boy was trapped. He quickly glanced around trying to find a way to escape. He closed his eyes tight, hoping for a miracle.

A miracle did indeed come, in the form of the boy's beloved hyung, Jin.

As Jungkook opened his eyes, he saw the man on the floor clutching his head in pain. Behind the defeated man stood Jin, holding a frying pan, with a face of a mix of shock and determination.

"J-jin?" The younger stuttered.

The elder snapped out of his frozen state and looked at the boy.

"J-jungkook, follow me. Quickly." Jin then proceeded to grab the youngers wrist, pulling him up.

The two then ran towards the exit without glancing at their surroundings. They never stopped, not even for breath, until they were in the car.

Jungkook slammed his door shut as he began to yell, "Jin hyung. Quick, drive!"

The elder just glanced at the boy as he replied, " seatbelt, Jungkook!"

The younger just sighed as he quickly put his seatbelt on, as the car suddenly lurched forward to then start speeding out the parking lot. It didn't slow down for one second, until they eventually reached the main road, in which they slowed down slightly, enough to not get a speeding ticket.

The two were silent, both too in shock to say a word. The horrible image of the dead man kept replaying in both their minds. Neither of them knew what to do next. They couldn't just ignore what just happened, something must be done.

The elder spoke first breaking the silence.

"Jungkook. A-are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?"

The younger just shook his head.

"N-no, I'm fine Jin hyung. What about you? Are you hurt? How did you manage to save me in time?" The boy questioned.

"Ah well you see, I was looking at the noodles, trying to decide, when I heard a bang. Stupidly, I ignored it. I assumed someone dropped something or whatever-" the elder spoke before he got cut off.

"Dropped something? Hyung, it sounded like a gunshot, in which it was. How didn't you notice that?" The younger interrupted.

Jin sighed. "Yeah, yeah. It was late. I could barely think properly. Anyways, after a while I went to the checkout to pay, a-and w-well I saw it. Being the stupid person I am, I screamed. They looked directly at me and- oh god. Oh no, no, no. Ahh I'm so stupid! How could I not realize this before!"

Jungkook stared at the elder in confusion. "Realize what, hyung? What are you talking about?"

Jin had a look of fear on his face as he hesitated, but eventually answered the boy.

"I-i know them. I recognize one of their faces and, ugh, I just hit a member of the most deadly gang in the whole of Korea, with a frying pan."

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