Chapter 4

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"T-The most deadly gang in Korea?" The younger stuttered with a hint of confusion in his voice.

The elder stayed silent for a moment, focusing on driving before he spoke up.

"Yes. BTS is a gang that consists of 5 members. That's all they need. They do have allies and backup, but nobody has ever defeated one member of bts, let alone 5. They are known throughout Korea and are feared by many."

Jungkook just stared at Jin with a face filled with fear.

"A-and you just hit a m-member w-with a-"

"With a frying pan. Yes." The elder cut in.

"But how do you know it's them? Are you sure it's not another gang, hyung?" The boy questioned.

The elder shook his head.

"well I'm 100% sure it was them. Every member has a patch sewn onto their right sleeve. But what was bts doing there? They wouldn't normally do something as low as robbing a small shop..." Jin trailed off.

Jungkook remembered. He remembered seeing a small patch thing attached to the sleeve of the man's hoodie. The younger dismissed it as a weird pattern on the clothing, nothing out of the ordinary. He's heard of bts, who hasn't? Everyone feared them. But hey? The boy's just met a member face to face. Face to face... oh no.

Jin seemed to speak the youngers mind out loud.

"We're screwed."

The boy nodded in agreement to the elders statement. They're in deep shit.

"What are we gonna do now?" The younger questioned.

"I'm not sure. We could call the police, but what chance do they have? The police can't capture them." The elder answered. "Bts are most probably gonna come after us, and if they find us... well it wont be pretty."

A loud gulp was heard from the boy. He could only imagine what will happen if they were captured.

Silence occupied the car as the two were in deep thought. Both shared the fear of the unknown, that will soon occur. Jin knew they wouldn't be able to pretend like this never happened. BTS will look for them, especially since the elder fought back... with a frying pan. Nobody knew what any of the members looked like. They could be a neighbour that you greet every morning or a customer sitting peacefully at a table of a cafe and no one will know the difference.

Jungkook spoke his thoughts out loud.

"We could run?"

"Run?" The elder questioned, confused by the youngers words.

"Yeah. They can't find us if we run. Let's just get all our stuff and travel to... I don't know, Hawaii. I heard the weather's great there."

The elder shook his head. "Jungkook-ah, we can't run. We have jobs and a house, which we can't just abandon. We'd need to save up money to just be able to travel to Hawaii much less survive and buy a house there."

"Plus I'd much rather prefer Austrailia. I've always wanted to go there." Jin added.

Jungkook sat there in thought for a couple minutes, thinking out there situation.

"Ah! We would always find a way to get money. We could do one of the street performances and we could both sing and dance. As long as BTS can't find us, right?" The younger spoke up, proud of himself for thinking of a solution.

"That's the problem," Jin answered back quickly. "Nobody escapes Bangtan. They will find us, even if we escape to, I don't know, Antartica. We're dead. There is no possible way to escape this. By now they probably know everything about us, including where we live."

The two said nothing as they watched the buildings go by. They didn't know what to do. They were beginning to wish they never stopped off at the store.

They looked at the stars going by shining bright against the moon. It was at least, What? 2:00 a.m.? Time went by faster due to being on the verge of death situation. It was peaceful.

But not for long.

A loud bang was heard, as the vehicle stopped moving. At first the two assumed the worst was happening as they looked for any signs of silhouettes hidden in the darkness. It took the elder a while before he noticed that the bang was not a gunshot, but was indeed the vehicle itself.

Jin sighed as he tapped the gas meter. One they were out of gas. The elder got out of the car and opened the front lid. Two the car was definitely broken. Jin knew nothing about cars, so here they were.

The younger got out of the car and stood next to his hyung.

"Broken?" A small voice said.

"Yeah," Jin sighed.

"What's gonna happen now?" Jungkook asked with a hint of annoyance mixed with curiosity. Jin glanced around at his surroundings. There was a set of small buildings opposite of where they stood. It seemed to be a motel, as there was a sign that said the former.

"We go there."

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