Chapter 9

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At those words the youngest let out an audible gulp- even though he already knew- the name still sent shivers down his spine. Jin looked up at the two, still slightly confused.

"But if you're BTS, you know... the strongest gang, well, ever known," the elder began. "Why did you rob the store? Aren't you guys supposed to be dealing drugs and killing people and all that? Why rob a small store?"

"He's got a mouth, that one." V sighed as he squinted his eyes with annoyance. "Not sure I like him."

The white haired then turned to RM with a bored expression displayed on his face.

"Explain." He said bluntly to the other standing next to him.

The purple haired gave a curt nod as he turned towards the two men sat on the floor, and began the explanation with an irritated scowl.

"The store was located on one of our rivals territory, and well, to put it short, we just wanted to get revenge and make their life hell by blowing up the place and destroying their drug supply buried underground."

The elder, who was still defensive in posture, looked at RM with even more confusion as he asked, "You blew up the place?"

The purple haired sighed as he glared at Jin with a hint of annoyance. "Yes. Maybe if you stuck around a bit longer or even read the news you might know about it. Now stop asking questi-"

"Wow. Not gonna lie, that's a pretty stereotypical way to destroy something." Jin interrupted with a smirk as he knew he was getting on RM's nerves. "Couldn't you be a little more original?"

"Listen hear you self righteous son of a-"

"Relax, for gods sake." V turned towards the purple haired as he placed a firm grip on his shoulder. "We'll get rid of these annoyances later, so just ignore it."

The white haired then turned towards the two men sat on the cold rusted floor of the van. While Jin was still in front with his head held high and his chest out, the youngest was curled into a ball, with just his dough eyes poking out from underneath his light brown hair.

"I'm getting bored of you, so we're going back on the road now." V and RM turned to leave back into the desolate landscape, but with one final look back the white haired male smugly added, "maybe if you behave we might consider giving you some food."

The door to the back of the van was then slammed shut leaving both of them back in the vast darkness and long silence.

"Hyung, can you try not to get us killed straight away?" Jungkook mumbled with a hint of humour.

Jin chuckled. "Trust me, by the time I've finished with them they'll regret even thinking about kidnapping us."

A small laugh was heard from the younger at the elders remark. It was nice to be able to relax and laugh in this situation, even for a bit.

Jin glanced over to the brown haired boy, who had now changed seating position so his back was leaning against the side of the truck and his head was tilted up. The elder presumed his eyes was closed as he looked already quite tired.

"Jungkook, I'm sorr-"

"Honestly hyung, it's okay," the younger interrupted. "It's my fault anyways. I shouldn't of been so most."

Jin looked with wide eyes into the dough eyes of the younger as they now faced eachother.

"Kookie, don't you ever say it's your fault because it's not! If anything it's mine. Every time i look at you I still imagine that innocent fifteen year old boy who I just wanted to wrap up in a blanket and protect from the world. I guess... I keep forgetting you- I mean we have both grown up. I just-... I'm sorry." Jin ranted with slightly watery eyes. He quickly wiped them away and looked up to the younger who had full tears streaming down his face.

"Ah, i-im so sorry hyung!" Jungkook stuttered. "I forgive you and I really wanna give you a hug but your to far."

Jin smiled as he glanced at the younger with eyes of adoration.

"Air hug?" He asked.

"Air hug!" Responded the younger as both men reached as far as possible to try and get as closer to each other. They both reached out their hands so their fingertips brushed.

After smiles and tears, they returned to their original positions on the cold rusted floor.

All of the sudden the van lurched foward as it returned to the road. It shook every couple minutes knocking the two poor men around.

"I guess we're going again," Jungkook whispered.

Jin hummed in agreement as he felt growing anxiety in his stomach. He looked next to him and saw the black bag that started their argument in the first place. Suddenly an idea popped into his head.

"The weapons!" Jin yelled as he felt proud with coming up with a plan.

"Weapons? W-what weapons?" Stuttered the younger his dough eyes wide with fear.

The elder stared at the younger for a few seconds while he thought about his own stupidity.

"Oh no..." jin mumbled with his head in his hands and a loud sigh escaped his lips.

"The are loads of weapons like knives and such... in, the uh, bag."

Jungkook's eyes widened even more if that was even possible, and his breath started to get more ragged. It quickly escalated to the point of the younger having a full blown panic attack with his face contoured with panic and fear.

"Shhh, shh... Kookie... look at me, please?"

The soft gentle sound of his hyung encouraging words helped him to slow down his breathing as he stared into the eyes that was widened with worry.

A few minutes past and with the help of the elder jungkook finally managed to return to a stable breathing pattern.

All was silent till the younger barely whispered, "a-are we gonna die? We are aren't w-we? I-i don't want to die, hyung..."

Jin looked at the crouched, scared figure of the younger in which he loved like his own brother.

"I won't let them lay a hand on you, Kookie, I promise."


Taehyung sat at the front of the van, with his legs spread out while a tablet lay on his lap. Namjoon sat in the drivers seat eyes concentrated on the road, but still listened in to the noise emitting from the device.

The white haired let out a smirk as he listened to the words.

"I won't let them lay a hand on you Kookie, I promise."

A small chuckle was heard from the driver as the two listened into the conversation.

"We'll then," the white haired turned towards namjoon while he squinted his eyes in amusement. "Shame every promise is ment to be broken."


Sorry I'm kinda half asleep right now so there might be a few spelling mistakes here and there.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate everyone who actually clicked on this book and gave it a chance!!

Have a great day!!!


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