Chapter 11

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The room jungkook entered was certainly astounding. The walls were painted a dark red that seemed to glow, where the light from the large glass window shone. There were several bookshelves and shelves holdings simple items from books to some extreme and intimidating items, such as the several weapons from daggers to full on machine guns. While that in itself scared jungkook, the main thing that caught his attention was the man whos voice sparked fear into the younger, the infamous V. There he sat on a leather chair, behind a wide mahogany desk that was scattered with papers and on his face was a wide grin that looked almost menacing. His chocolate eyes locked onto the youngers leaving Jungkook trapped in a trance which he found almost impossible to break away. It was only the deep voice that echoed in the large room that snapped the boy out of his daze.

"You know darling, pictures last longer."

Jungkook widened his doe eyes as his gaze immediately fixated on the floor while his cheeks gained a slight pink tint. "I-i uh... s-sorry," he flinched, also quite embarrassed by how squeaky his voice came out.

"No need to look so nervous little bunny," V smirked, leaning back into the chair he sat in. "I'm not gonna harm you just yet."

Jungkook relaxed but immediately tensed up as he registered the elders words. "W-wait... yet?!" The younger panicked as his voice rose in worry. He noticed how the chocolate eyed male scrunched his eyes in distaste as the boy mumbled out a small 'sorry'.

V sighed his face gaining his usual cocky demeanour. "You are absolutely adorable I must say," he smirked his eyes narrowing in mischief. The white haired male gestured towards the soft velvet chair on the opposite side of the desk as he bluntly ordered, "Sit. We have things to discuss."

Jungkook shuffled quickly towards the chair, eyes trained on the wooden floor as he gently lowered himself down on the soft cushion. He began fidgeting with his fingers trying to distract himself from the piercing gaze the older male seemed to be giving him. "I don't like it when people don't make eye contact while in the midst of a discussion."

V ended the sentance with a small hiss causing Jungkook to shoot his head upwards at the intimidating tone of his deep voice. Though at the sudden movement of the boys head caused him to get a moment of dizziness which caused him to lean back on his chair, maybe a bit too far back as the chair toppled backwards with the younger still on it. Jungkook let out a small 'oof' at the impact as he was thrown of the chair landing on his side causing it to throb quite painfully. The boy shook his head out of the daze he was in as he stood up -more slower this time- and picked up his chair and sat down in embarrassment. As he looked up he noticed the brief smile that quickly turned to an emotionless expression as V noticed the youngers gaze on him.

"You've been here less than a day and you've already injured yourself," V shook his head in a mocking manner, "though you should be proud. That's the quickest anyone has injured themselves and I haven't even done anything to you yet."

Jungkook didn't really want to know what the chocolate eyed male did to his other victims so he just settled with a slight glare.

"It was your fault anyways," the younger mumbled without thinking it through, too caught up on his previous occurrence while rubbing his arm attempting to soothe it.

A humorous smirk made it's way onto V's face as his eyes were locked onto the younger, who was displaying a slight pout and a narrow gaze directed to the floor.

"Little bunny... although I may be skilled at many things, I am certainly no magician," the elder chuckled, staring into the depths of jungkooks large doe eyes.

"Now back to buisness," V collected himself together while sitting up straighter. "You see... you and your friend has caused quite the havoc, not only have you caused delay to our plans, you've humiliated us. Now of course normally I'd kill you off, y'know? Less stress for us and we gain our reputation back; easy as that. But... you are quite the interesting pair... how about we make a deal?"

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