chapter 7

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The parking lot was empty. Where they were absolutely sure they left their car, only air occupied the empty space. Not a single vehicle was spotted. They didn't really expect other people to be staying here, but they knew at least their car was left in this spot.

"W-what's going on hyung? Where's our car?"

Jin was silent as he thought about their situation. they weren't going to use their car anyways, since it was broken, but the elder planned to find a payphone nearby to call a tow truck and also his friend to give the two a lift.

But there was no car to begin with. The thought of BTS flashed across both of the male's minds. it was a possibility. the most likely one at that.

It could also be thieves. they were in the middle of no where with some bad people roaming around. Who knows...    for they certainly didn't.

"Did we leave it else where?"

Jin thought about the younger's words, maybe they just 'misplaced' it.

The two males searched around the motel, in every possible place. They still found nothing.

They were eventually back where they started, but with more confusion and stress.

"Well I'm going to search for a payphone. I'm pretty sure I saw one at the entrance." the elder finally said, giving up the search for the missing vehicle.

They were both too exhausted from previous events to continue their hopeless search.

The sky was just starting to go from a dark blue to a light foggy orange, as the sun peeked beyond the horizon. it was starting to slowly reach morning.

The two men were seen standing at the edge of the road, where an old payphone machine resides.

"Oh okay. It's fine we'll find another way. Bye." Jin sighed as he placed the phone back on its rack. He turned to the younger as he shook his head.

"Nope.  Myungjun-ah is on holiday. I guess we need to find another way to get home."

Jungkook shared the elders disappointment. There was no way to get home. No bus stops, no car, no money or phones. But... there was someone that might be able to help them.

"Wait, hyung. Yugyeom might be able to help us." The younger suggested.

"Okay, but this is the last of the change I have, so use it carefully." The older replied.

Jungkook nodded as he went to the phone machine. Jin watched him talk to Yugyeom on the phone waiting to hear the answer, but as he was waiting there was a noise coming from the trees next to him. The elder glanced at the forest as he tried to get a look, when he wondered if it was someone that knew the whereabouts of their stolen car. 'like the beginning of every horror movie' the elder thought as he turned towards the dark still-like woods. He glanced at the younger, who was still in the conversation, to make sure he was safe, before venturing into the unknown.

The trees cast shadows on the grass, blocking every ounce of sunlight. Jin walked quietly along the path, that someone has seem to of made a while ago. The male tried to listen for anymore noise throughout the forest. He was about to turn back towards the phone before he heard a twig snap to his left. He glanced over his shoulder at the source of the noise, and began to walk in that direction. As he got closer and closer he heard more sounds coming from that area. Leaves rustling. Pebbles being stepped on.

As he reached the place he came face to face with what was causing the noise.

A deer.

A small deer was standing there, eating small plants from the ground. The elder was surprised to see a creature like that standing in front of him. He wanted to pet it, but didn't want to scare it off.

He took a step closer to the creature as he suddenly felt an arm around his waist and a cold metal against his neck.

"Move or speak and this knife will slice through your skin until your nothing but a bloody corpse."

Jin was frozen in fear at the words the male spoke. The deer ran off at the suddenness of the noise, leaving Jin alone with this man.

The male slowly led the elder through the trees until Jin could see Jungkook in the clearing. He was about to yell out for help until a press of the cold metal reminded him to keep quiet.

"You see your friend over there?" The man sneered. "He won't be standing for much longer. Don't worry though he will be in good hands."

Jin was about to yell, but the other male sensed this and repositioned his hands till one covered mouth, while the knife was now pointing at his stomach. The elder wanted to turn around and see his holders face, but his arms prevented Jin from moving much.

Jin watched Jungkook put the phone down as he sighed. He saw a shadow lurking behind the boy, when the elder began to struggle, but alas it was no use.

The shadow got closer and closer to the unsuspecting boy, until finally... It struck.

Jungkook talked to Yugyeom asking for some help, but the other male stated he was out of town visiting his parents, but if the two of them stuck around for a couple of hours he would pick them up. The male didn't want to bother his friend as he told him that it was okay and that they'd find another way.

Jungkook sighed as he placed the phone on its rack. He turned about to tell Jin the news, only to see no one there. He kept glancing around hoping to see his older friend somewhere. He felt a presence behind him, but before he got the chance to turn around, he felt a cloth being placed on his mouth as he was lured into a deep sleep.

The two knocked out men were placed and chained in the back of a van, so they couldn't escape. The door was slammed shut as two men made their way to the front seats. One got in the drivers end and the other went into the passengers side.

The gas was turned on as the van sped down the road.

"What are you planning to do with them anyways, V?" The driver asked.

V chuckled humourlessly.

"Don't worry."

There was a pause before he continued.

"I have a few ideas up my sleeve."


Ah I'm really sorry this took so long. I've been struggling through some stuff and I guess it kinda affected me a lot.

Also when I heard about avicii's death It was pretty hard for me as before I found out about bts, his songs were the only ones that kept me going and inspired me to do stuff that I never really had the courage to. I'm gonna miss him a lot.

I also really can't believe this book reached 350 reads!! I mean seriously why are people still reading this mess??

Honestly though thank you so much for reading, voting and comment!!

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