Chapter 8

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The youngest opened his big dough eyes only to meet complete darkness. He fluttered his eyelids as he slowly began to be able to make out odd shapes in the pitch black. A few feet in front of him lay an oddly shaped lump that the gloominous swallowed up. As Jungkook slowly began crawling over to the mysterious form, he felt a tug on his ankle as well as the sound of metal rattling together. As he turned around Jungkook noticed that attached to his leg was a long chain that seemed to be bolted to the floor. The chocalate haired boy sighed as he glanced around to find a solution out of all this mess.

A loud, familiar groan caught Jungkook's attention as he saw it came from the large lump. He recognized the sound of the voice as the one and only--

"Jin hyung...?"

More groans were heard as well as the sound of clothes ruffling and chains clanging. Jungkook saw the shape begin to move around as his hyung started to wake up.


Jungkook crawled as close as he could before the chains prevented him from moving anymore. He managed to get close enough to just peer over at Jin's face.

The elder slowly started fluttering his eyes open to the unfamiliar scene. Jins round, confused brown eyes met the younger's big and hopeful ones.

"Ah!" Jin screamed at the black shadow over him.

Out of reflex, the elder began waving his hands around to attempt and defend himself, meanwhile Jungkook was more focused on avoiding the speedy flying limbs.

"Please, hyung! It's just me, Jungkook."

All was silent as Jin began to process the situation at hand.

"Kookie? Where the hell are we?!" The elder yelled before pausing and reconsidering his words. "Excuse the language."

At this the younger gave a 'really?' look towards his hyung, even though the elder could barely make out where Jungkook's face was.

"Hyung... hell isn't a swear word! I can say it if I want!" Argued the dough eyed boy. "But as to where we are... I don't know."

"If we were at home I would've took away your chocalate milk!" Jin sighed as he glanced around at the surroundings attempting to formulate a plan.

"Fortunately for you I don't know where home is..." the elder mumbled barely loud enough for the other to hear.

Jin sat up as his scrunched up eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. He could roughly see the outline of the younger a few feet away huddled up in a ball as well as, what looked to be, a couple boxes and bags scattered around on the floor. The elder stretched as far as the metal chains allowed him to while extending his hand to try and reach for the handle of a bag he saw laying a metre away from him.

Jin managed to feel the rough fabric clutched in his hand as he slid it towards him carefully, as to not lose the grip he had. The bag was heavy and made small rattling sounds as the elder dragged it towards him. Eventually the bag was right in front of him as jin took a few seconds rest.

He examined the black bag, which seemed to be quite old and had several tears in it. Jungkook, curious as to what his hyung was doing leaned over, attempting to get a glance at what was inside the object.

The loud sound of a zipper being slowly undone was all that was heard and soon enough was followed by Jin's gasp.


The elder was in shock as he whispered those words. Inside the bag was a collection of guns, knives and many other lethal looking objects. It was full to the brim with these items and with a closer look, jin could see something staining the ends of a couple gleaming knives. He knew what the stains were but was too afraid to admit it to himself.

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