Chapter 10

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When Jungkook opened his eyes, it was because a sudden stop alerted him awake. At first he was confused, having thought he was laying in his comfy bed at home with bright sunshine streaming through the window on a typical morning. But then he felt the cold metal floor of the van, and the makeshift cardboard box he claimed as a pillow. Not nearly as comfy as his good soft -who knows how old- mattress.

The darkness also covered his eyes like a blindfold, as the younger squinted his eyes in annoyance as they got readjusted to the black before him.

He jolted upright at the sound of footsteps walking in at a rhythm, getting louder and louder that seemed to be coming from outside the van.

His large doe eyes got even wider as he felt all colour leave his face. He began panicking as he felt his breath speed up and the pains increasing in his chest.

"Jin... where are you? Please wake up. Please hyung..." The younger whispered with urgency as he began feeling around to look for the elder, with his eyesight being temporarily blinded.


All of a sudden Jungkook felt the elders arm, in which on his hyungs wrist held the same friendship bracelet they exchanged with each other last christmas, and in the bracelet was the same familiar feeling of a metal charm that was shaped like an owl.

On Jungkook's own bracelet, he had a charm of a bunny as Jin always said he looked like a bunny when he smiled. The younger always thought of the elder as a mama owl, hence the charm which Jungkook thought was perfect for his hyung.

'Concentrate Kookie'

It was always in life or death situations in which the youngers mind wandered, but then again this was the first time he was in this kind of situation so mabye it was just him.

Jungkook shook his hyung arm wishing to hear the comfortable sound of Jins voice.

"Hyung." The younger whispered harshly while violently hitting the elders arm.

Jin started moving, as groans were heard from his lips. He slowly sat up as he looked into die eyes while processing what was going on.

"Kookie... what...?"

The door slammed open revealing a dark figure standing before them. It looked as if they were in a dark area, mabye a garage? In the background all they could see was blackness signal they must be in a room of sorts.

The sillihoute stretched out his arms and within seconds, before he even had the chance to resist, Jungkook found himself slung over a muscular shoulder with a blindfold covering his vision. The man began walking away as the younger registered what happened and began struggling with all his might.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled while stretching out his arms in a hopeless attempt of reaching for the elder.


The younger heard his hyung's voice trailing off as he was being taken away by the dark figure. When the elders voice suddenly got cut off by a loud slam of a door, Jungkook assumed he was in another room though he still had no clue where he was.

He punched, kicked, screamed -anything to be free from the man's tight hold.

"Will you stop it?!" A gruff voice was heard, full of anger and annoyance.

Jungkook ignored him, only continued what he was doing but twice as worse.

"Fucks sake... if it wasn't for the boss I'd have put a bullet through your stuck up little head."

The younger having tired out and slightly unnerved by the man's statement put a break to his rampage.

With tears in his eyes and his breath thoroughly shaken, Jungkook managed to stutter out a sentence.

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