Finding Home

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He was in a gentle sleep, curled into a ball on the bed. The bed sheets covered his small but muscular body. I was tempted to move a piece of hair that fell into his eyes but I didn't want to wake him.
I set aside the book I was reading when my watch turned to 12 pm. My bed, all but surprisingly, was taken over by Newt's body. I tried my best to gently scoot him over but light sleepers get their name for a purpose. Newt's eyes darted around until they met my gaze.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Um, would you mind scooting over a bit? I don't particularly want to sleep on the floor." I said with a wry grin.

He flashed me a grin of his own and happily moved far enough to give me a comfortable spot. I curled into my own position and began to fall asleep until I felt Newt's arm wrap around me. It wasn't flirtatious, but rather comforting. I could feel his body lean into mine and his lips were only breaths away from my ear.

"Don't leave me, please." He whispered before falling back into his deep slumber.
~ ~ ~
"He's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody.."

I heard a soft voice singing a beautiful tune as I awoke. My eyes fluttered open to see Newt sitting in a chair carving something into wood.

"Nowhere Man, don't worry, your time, don't hurry, leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand."

"Your voice is spot on." I croaked.

He didn't seem to mind me listening, he continued to carve his art. I threw the covers off of me and tucked my loose hair behind my ear. I scrambled some clothes together and left the hut to change. The cool breeze hit my skin and sent a small shiver down my spine as I opened the curtain. I stretched out to the morning sky, taking in the orange fluorescent sun. I scanned the city, as I always do, looking for anything abnormal before I went behind the clothesline to change. As I was buttoning my pants I heard soft footsteps growing louder.

"Morning." I said whilst flinging my jacket over my shoulders.

Newt stopped to stare at the view of the sun rising before greeting," Good-morning."

"It's beautiful isn't it. Never gets old." I said as I moved to stand next to him.

He was quiet and seemed to be entranced in his thoughts. His eyebrows furrowed as he took his attention to me.

"I have to find my friends." Newt muttered.

I nodded in comply. We had to leave this place anyway. Surely any Wicked associates were looking for Newt and his friends.

"We can leave in an hour. But where should we go?" I asked unsure.

"They talked about a Safe Haven before we left to find Minho. We should go back to where they planned to leave." He turned to me and gave me a sweet smile ", Don't worry, I know where it is."

Our supplies were packed for a week along with a blade or two. Just in case. Newt wore the uniform I had found him in, after all I didn't have any clothes for him. We set out at 7, just as the city below was waking up. There was a long road ahead of us before meeting his friends. A very long road.

The Safe HavenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant