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It's been three years since I had came to the safe haven, three years since I had met Newt, three years of living in paradise. My days were filled with labor, helping out Vince as much as possible. Most of the days I had spent time with my friends, doing random rebellious acts. One time, Thomas and I decided to pull a joke on Newt. We used red powder from a dried nut and poured it over Newt in the shower, his skin was stained red for several days. Thomas couldn't help but laugh every time he saw Newt, red arms and shoulders.

Newt and I found a way to the top of the cliff that faced the front of the island, and it became our spot. That is, until Minho, Frypan, and Gally came to find us one day and decided to make it their personal swimming spot. The cliff wasn't a long drop, maybe twenty nine feet. But Minho sure was scared, he was all talk but no bark.

"Minho just jump!" I complained, he had brought up how brave he was and now I was ready to see them jump down into the water.

"What if there's some sea monster waiting for me?" He said, staring down into the clear water.

"Monsters don't exist bud." Newt replied.

"Just jump!" I screamed, this time saying it more as a command.

"If you want so badly to see someone jump, then why don't you go." Gally spoke up.

I stood up immediately, grabbing my shirt from the bottom and lifting it over my head. "Fine."

I tossed my shirt to Gally, it hit his face and fell into his arms. All four boys were staring in awe, waiting for me to make the big jump. I walked ever so slowly to the edge of the cliff before peering down into the blue water. The sun bounced against the reckless waves, and for a moment I regretted my decision, but quickly distinguished the feeling. I wasn't going to back down, not in front of Minho, who bragged none stop about how awesome he was.

"You're really not thinking about doing this, are you?" Newt asked, now at my side and a hand on my shoulder. Like that would stop me.

I smirked, staring straight into his chocolate brown eyes. And I jumped without hesitation. The fall was climatic, like I was falling into a never ending abyss. My heart raced faster as I fell further, and I was suddenly engulfed by the blue. The fear I had before disappeared and turned into adrenaline. I suddenly had the craving of doing dangerous activities. I swam to the surface, and up above the boys were watching me.

"Come on!" I shouted at them, waving for them to follow.

Suddenly, one at a time, each of them jumped the cliff, shouting various curse words. Minho was the last to jump, and once he had come up for air I decided to mock him for his "bravery"

"Wasn't so bad, was it slinthead?" I teased.

Minho dug his hand into the water and threw a wave of it on me. I wiped my eyes and glared at him, throwing my own wave. Soon enough, all five of us had a never ending water battle.

"Hey!" A voice yelled, we all looked for the source in confusion. "Up here shanks!"

On the cliff above was Thomas, he was looking down at our soaking bodies.

"It's time!" He yelled down.
~ ~ ~
Tonight was a very special night, it was the anniversary since arriving to the safe haven, for everyone. The crowd was wild from drinking Gally's special recipe. Not that anybody cared, we deserved to enjoy ourselves.
I arrived the gathering with Newt and our friends, immediately being handed a mason jar filled to the brim with Gally's drink. Brenda, who handed me the drink, was already tipsy and touchy with Thomas. Though he wasn't rude about it, he let her hug him and cuddle against him. I took gulps of it, ignoring the burning sensation in my throat, and I didn't stop until the jar was almost empty.

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