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We walked many miles in the burning sunlight. I was so sick of seeing sand and feeling the grains of it swimming in my boot. The next city wasn't for another mile or two. We had only walked for a couple of hours but it felt like days. I wiped the dripping sweat from my forehead before I stopped and took a swig of water. As I gulped I could hear Newt.

"Nora look! There's a building ahead. Maybe we could rest there." He exclaimed.

We both ran to it, hoping to get cover of the sun. As the building got bigger we could read the lettering across its top, Texaco.

"What the hell is a Texaco?" Newt asked in confusion.

"I don't know but it's better than standing in this damn heat!"

I happily opened the door to the strange building. The air inside wasn't much better from the outside but there was shade. When we stepped inside stacks of shelves covered the floor, long clear doors were adjusted to the walls and a counter attached to the ground. We walked around the room trying to scavenge whatever was salvageable.

"Water and maybe a couple of cans of food." Newt said, showing his treasure.

I nodded and explored more of the room. Farther back from the counter were three rooms. One had a bolted lock with a large pad lock. I didn't even bother opening that door, whatever was locked in there needed to stay locked in there. The second door was a restroom, I skimmed past it. However the third door was ajar. I carefully peaked in, immediately noticing a small desk and two cushioned chairs. Safe room.

"Newt!" I called.

He came to my side holding a bunch of foods and drinks.

"I think I found our place to sleep." I said with a smile.
                                    ~  ~  ~
It was night fall and we had barricaded ourselves in the back room. Newt had stuffed himself with sweets and a sugary soda that left him a bit off the walls.

"You should try this!" He exclaimed whilst shoving the soda bottle into my hands.

The wrapping read Red Bull.

"No thanks bud. You look drugged out."

I handed him the bottle back and began prepping my bed. Pulling my sweater out a book had fell onto the floor. I reached for it but before I could Newt scored the prize before me.

"A book? You brought a bloody book with you?" He asked, puckering his lips and lifting a brow.

"Yes. A bloody book. Got a problem?" I sassed whilst snatching it from his hands.

He shrugged. "No. Actually I like reading myself."

I stopped for a moment, taking in his comment, before returning the book into the bag.

"There's nothing wrong with being a book worm love." Newt mewed.

"I'm not a book worm. I read to occupy my mind."

"Ah, I see. Comforting is it?"

"Quite so. Especially from you." I muttered the last bit but he must've heard me.

"Look I wasn't the one who told you to save me. You could've just went about your business."

I could sense agitation in his voice. But he had no right to talk to me like that. There was a reason I had saved him. But he didn't  need to know that.

"Yeah well maybe I shouldn't have but I couldn't leave you out there." I said with a quiver.

"Explain to me then? Why didn't you leave me to die? Hm? Give me a good answer."

I was totally fed up with him. He wasn't grateful at all. He didn't even care that I gave him the only fucking serum I had.

"Fuck you." I said sternly.

His brows lifted in surprise. As if he had never been told that before.

"Fuck me? Fuck you!" He shouted.

I stood up quickly, ready to punch this asshole. And he stood up too, I guess to do the same.

"Maybe I didn't want to be saved. Maybe I was ready to die because all my bloody life I have been running. This world is miserable." Newt spat at me. He turned his back to me. "So why did you rescue me Nora?"

I could feel tears welling in my eyes. Hot tears that were beginning to pour onto my cheeks. I clenched my fists and gave him a hard thwack to the back of his head. His hand grabbed the sore spot and turned to face me in utter shock.

"You know why I saved you? You really want to know? Well when you looked into my eyes I had to save you because I couldn't save my dad. He gave me the same damn look and I couldn't leave you! I swore to myself if I had that chance again I would do everything to save them. I couldn't leave yo.." I turned away because the tears were pouring like rain now. I sniffled and held my breath until my body quivered and moans of pain escaped my mouth. I hugged myself, as I had many times when things got bad.

"Nora I didn't mean to hurt you." Newt said.

He tried to grab my shoulder but I shook it away. He didn't deserve this side of me. Nobody did.

"We're both broken." I muttered as I wiped away the tears and turned to face Newt. "But I would rather not talk about that."

Newt nodded and stared at his shoes but shortly looked up so that we were eyeing each other.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you to answer."

I pursed my lips and turned to my bed. I laid there for a moment until Newt had settled into his bed, only a few inches from mine. I sighed. Still feeling the aching in my chest.

"Newt?" I whispered.


"Will you hold my hand?"

Without another word he laid his open hand above my head, I latched onto it. Letting the warmth of his hand comfort me. I didn't like being alone anymore.

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