Taking Us Alive

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We had been wondering through massive sand dunes, but we knew it was still apart of the crumbling city. Giant buildings were covered thoroughly, the sand only revealed what few pieces of the buildings had left. I could hear a whistle in the distance as if trying to call someone, or an animal. Just as we were passing two buildings that synced together, a rumbling sound could be heard in the distance. Newt and I stopped in our tracks and looked all around us. Suddenly, out of nowhere, several motorbikes came racing through the entrance of the buildings. Newt took my hand in his and ran, pulling me with him.

"Run Nora!" He shouted.

Newt and I hid ourselves behind a worn building, we were lucky enough that they didn't see us. We didn't even know who they were. Several motor bikes skidded to a stop at the top of a sand dune, only one man took his mask away, revealing a young face. He looked to be nothing older than eighteen. But the way he postured himself gave him an older look.
The manboy- that's what I'll call him- signaled to his fellow riders, and the humming of their bikes shut off. The group of riders left the scene and disappeared over the massive sand dune.

"Let's go!" Newt half whispered half shouted. I hadn't even noticed him leave, he was already running to the bikes.
I followed behind, catching up to him quickly, though an ache developed in my legs from running in the thick sand. Newt and I found a bike closer to us than the others and hid behind it. Beyond the bikes, a rather small village was ahead, several tents of many colors were propped up and dozens of people filled the streets. Nobody had noticed us, and it was our chance to leave.

"Newt, we have to go. Now."

He nodded his head, clenched his jaw, and jumped on the seat of the bike, all within milliseconds. I was too slow to match his swift action, it was enough time for the manboy to notice us stealing his bike and gunfire erupted in the air. A grunt escaped from Newts lips and it was then that I realized the bullet had hit him. But he didn't let me ask questions, he revved the engine and sped off, I jolted to the right and would've fell off if Newt hadn't grabbed my hand. I could hear voices yelling after us, it sounded hollow and distant. Probably because you're half deaf. I still couldn't wrap reality around that idea.
I hadn't noticed how far we had gotten until I looked back to only see dots of people.

"They're fucking crazy!" I exclaimed, holding onto Newt for dear life. He laughed in response and revved the engine, allowing us to go faster.

"We're almost to the Safe Haven." Newt shouted excitedly.

Almost home.

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