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The sun was rising as we passed by this great big sea of blue. The way the sun reflected off the water made everything seem to stop. It was calm and quiet and it hadn't been so peaceful in a long time. I thought back to when I first met Newt and how different I was now. Trusting him was the best thing that happened to me. I smiled to myself and wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head against his back. He allowed me to stay that way for a while until he stopped the motorcycle. I leaned back against the bike and looked to the shore. Along the sand was a small boat, it was tied to a length of wood embedded into the sand.

"Is that our ticket to the Safe Haven?" I asked.

"Yeah.." Newt said in awe.

I didn't wait for him to say anything more. I jumped off the bike and ran towards the boat.

"Come on!" I shouted to him.

We raced each other to the boat, Newt of course beat me by many feet and we arrived on the sand panting. Newt jumped into the boat and went through its belongings.
I ,however, noticed a piece of paper stuck to the wooden post. The page clapped in the wind and looked as if it was posted a mere few days.

"..water, a knife, food.." I could hear Newt in the background.

I took the paper from it's post and read it's contents.

If you are looking for a place of peace, follow the map on the back of this page. We hope to meet whoever is reading this. Journey safe.

"Looks like someone gave us a direct map." I said to Newt, who had practically emptied the bags in the boat.

I handed the paper to him and untied the rope that held the boat from sailing away. He folded it and stuffed it in his pocket. Newt had a big smile plastered on his face, it was joyful and for the first time his eyes were shining with happiness. I joined him and we both were smiling, it was then that we bursted out laughing, together. We finally finished our journey and we stood there laughing together like madmen. I jumped into his arms in a joyful way.

"We did it Newt!" I exclaimed.

We extracted from the embrace and I couldn't help but look at him. His blonde locks were ruffled and twisted. His eyes glistened in the sunlight and he looked as peaceful as he did when he was asleep. It surprised me when he pulled me towards him and kissed me. Our lips connected passionately and it was blissful. I guess it was necessary to kiss someone that you almost died with. I was the one to break the kiss and reminded him of our mission.
Newt and I pushed the boat to the water and jumped in before it could drift away from us. I watched as Newt stood near the edge of the boat, looking out to the sun.

"We should probably take a look at that." I said, stepping to stand beside him. I found where the bullet had gone, but it was difficult to see through his jacket.
"Right." He said.

I was too busy bandaging Newts wound to notice him staring at me, though I could see him in the corner of my eye I paid him no attention. The bullet barely missed his shoulder, if he had been any closer to range it would've gone straight through his skin. Lucky for me, it only left a burned scratch. In the midst of me cleaning his wound, Newt had grabbed my chin and moved my attention to him. Looking at him with that much intensity was just too much. He was so beautiful in an essence where it felt like I could only have pieces of him. Though, we have kissed before it still felt as if I'd just met him.
I quickly turned away, blushing at the fact that his brown eyes were scanning me. I felt his warm hand cover mine, and I bit my lip, not trying to smile.

"Nora what's wrong?" He asked softly.

I turned to face him, and although it was difficult, I tried my best not to crack a smile. Every time I looked at him my stomach would flip, but in a good way.

"Who me? Nothings ever wrong with me!" I said cheekily.

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