Don't Tell

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I awoke to the sound of silent cries, their breathe hitched every so often. I slowly sat up, feeling a rush of dizziness. My head pounded as if someone was hammering a nail inside my brain. I could feel someone's presence next to me, and my vision finally cleared, a red faced Thomas was kneeling in front of me. Newt. Flashes of Newt flickered through my brain, and I searched the room only to find him asleep in another bed.

"Are you feeling okay?" Thomas asked.

"Just about," I said, holding my hand to my head," What happened? How long have I been out?"

Thomas scoffed and said," You were out cold for three days. Newt hasn't woken up yet, but now that you have I'm hoping he will too, soon."

I nodded in agreement, taking in reality slowly. I hadn't fainted before, but then again I hadn't given him so much of my blood before either. I glanced at Newt again, taking in his rather calm essence.

"How did you know to do that?" Thomas asked, taking me from my thoughts.

"I injected him with the serum the night I found him, but it wasn't enough to take away the flare. I've known I was immune since Wicked took me, and I guess the idea came to me. If my blood is clean, why can't I flush away his blood and replace it with mine?"

"You're brilliant." Was all Thomas could say.

When nightfall came, I was still laying in the same medical tent with Newt. Vince had given orders for me to stay in bed until he was sure I felt better. With the help of Frypan and Minho, they snuck extra food in for me when I felt dizzy or nauseous.
But now I was alone, in a room with a sleeping Newt. He hadn't moved once the entire day I watched him. Thomas had visited every so often to check on us, mostly to see if Newt had woken up, but he was still has a board. And I began to worry. Not if he was still infected, I was afraid he would be unconscious for some time. That scared me.
Some time in the late hours of the night, Newt finally came to himself. He slowly sat up, but quickly laid on his side. He must feel terrible. I didn't dare say a word, if he needed more time to rest I would let him be. But he didn't roll over and go back to sleep, instead he opened his eyes, and they met mine. I didn't shift my glance, instead I smiled, happy to see him awake.

"Hello." I said softly.

"Nora? What the.."

"Shh. It's late, everyone's asleep. It would be rude if we woke them up with our chatter."

Newt nodded in comply and whispered so only I could hear.

"Do you know what's going on?" He asked. He had no idea of the episode. I felt pity in my heart, if I told him the truth it would devastate him. He would never heal if I told him he tried to attack his friend, again.

"We were on the rock, at the beach and you decided to play around with me. I shoved you too hard and you fell, but I came with and I guess we knocked ourselves out."

"Bloody hell. How clumsy could we be?" He finished the last sentence with a stifled laugh.

I smiled, trying to hide the guilt of lying to him. But seeing him happy and feeling better evaporated the guilt. I buried my face into the pillow, taking in the lavender scent and faint smell of the salty ocean.

"How long have we been out?" Newt asked.

I looked to Newt, my head still resting agains the pillow. "About four days now."

"Holy shit."

I didn't want him asking more questions, afraid of him finding out the truth. I gathered myself, bringing my blanket with me, and I stuffed myself into Newt's bed. I cuddled into him, bringing his body against mine and taking in his honey scented skin. I soon felt his arms wrap around the small of my back.

"Goodnight Nora."

I fell asleep to the sound of Newt humming a tune and his fingers in my hair. Oh, how I loved when he sang.

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