Long Lost Friend

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Sailing was the easiest thing that I had done so far. It didn't require much work but needed special attention and I didn't mind that. Newt was imbedded in a book that was stuffed with everything else that had came with the free transportation. The people who had left the boat were kind enough to give us two full bags of food and water and other supplies. More than enough for both Newt and I.

"How much farther do you think?" I asked Newt.

"Shouldn't be much farther."

Well that sounded convincing. I continued to steer us in the direction of the Safe Haven. I had mixed emotions about these friends of Newt. Would they hate me? What would they say about Newt being alive? Had they already made amends with his death? I know it sounded crazy to think these things, of course they're going to be happy to see their friend. The frustration had to be clear to read on my face because Newt had appeared beside me.

"You look deep in thought." He said.

I smiled and responded," Wouldn't you be too? After all the shit we went through back there?"

I couldn't even imagine what Newt had been through before meeting me.

"You would've been an excellent runner."

"What the hell is a runner?" I asked, ending the sentence with a soft laugh.

"Back in the glade. We had people run the maze." He stopped and looked at me for a brief moment. "You remind of Thomas. You have the same passion as him."

I couldn't do or say anything but smile. It was obvious Newt missed his friend.
                                    ~  ~  ~
The sky and sea were black and the only light we had was the moon. The dark sea reflected the stars in the sky and it felt like we were traveling the galaxy. Newt had fallen asleep next to me and was now snoring. I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing and waking Newt. My surroundings achieved my attention again. And I was back to enjoying the breezy summer night.

It was dawn now and I hadn't slept at all. My thoughts kept me up all night but I didn't mind. I was already getting ready for the day ahead when Newt had woken up.

"Good morning." He said with a raspy tone.

"Good morning." I replied softly.

Newt got up and took a long stretch before looking at the map. I continued to steer the boat, hoping we were close to the island by now. I wondered how Newt was feeling. If he was scared to see his friends again. Or if they would even accept me. I was anxious, nothing the less, but I was also excited.

"Someone looks frustrated." I hadn't noticed Newt standing next to me and it startled me a bit.

"Just thinking, really." Was all I could say.

                                    ~ ~ ~

The sun was setting now and we had been traveling a long, hot day through the endless sea. I was beginning to grow impatient as time ticked away and we still hadn't came across the Safe Haven. But Newt had kept the hours interesting with his stories of him and his friends. It was when the sun had finally dipped below the horizon that I saw a faint orange flare ahead of us. It was too dark to see what the mysterious light was coming from, but I was hopeful.

"Newt! I think I see the island!" I exclaimed.

Newt pushed himself up and scrambled over to the front of the boat, almost tripping over some rope. A cheeky grin was sprawled on his face and he turned to face me. His hands cupped my cheeks and his lips fell upon mine. This time I didn't have any worries, I allowed myself to take in this moment. I had grown feelings for this boy. Feelings I couldn't even explain but I had the need to be near him. He comforted me and made me feel safe. He made the world feel as if it was calm.
We pulled away, slightly breathless from the kiss, and in the moments of the kiss the orange hue had grown brighter. The large island was visible now and on its bank was a large fire surrounded with moving people. Newt's breath hitched in his throat at the sight. I gripped his hand, hoping to give him some reassurance. He cleared his throat before meeting my gaze.

"I'm scared Nora. I don't know why but I am." His voice broke as he finished.

"It's okay," I smiled," It's okay to be scared and unsure."

He kissed me once more as our boat arrived near the bank. Newt led me to the edge of the boat and jumped down into the water before grabbing my waist and leading me down. I allowed Newt to go before me, after all he belonged here. I followed a few steps behind Newt and let him break into the circle of laughter and talk. It was when a boy hushed he crowd with his sudden movement to stand. He stood only steps away from Newt and was starring in awe. Two boys joined the shocked boy before all three of them launched themselves into Newts arms. All three of them had tears streaming down their faces as they clutched to Newt.

"I can't believe it.." The first boy cried.

"You thought I could leave behind you shanks?" I heard Newt say.

The group of boys pulled away with wet faces and big grins. It was clear to me now, that these were the friends he had talked so much about.

"Bloody hell. You guys had to get all sappy on me." Newt chuckled, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

"Who's that?" The dark skinned boy asked, pointing at me.

"This is Nora," Newt said cheekily and grabbed my hand to pull me within the circle," She's the reason I'm alive."

"Nora, this is Frypan, Minho, and Thomas." Newt gestured to the three boys in front of me.

"Welcome to the family Nora!" Frypan said, happily wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I was a bit nervous meeting these people but I was enjoying the atmosphere around them. Everyone cheered as Newt and I were led to a sitting area near the fire. Everything felt so surreal sitting by the fire. Everyone seemed happy. Their smiles couldn't have been fake. And after 12 years of surviving on my own I had finally found the family I had once lost.

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