Chp. 11: I'll Fight for You

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Justin's POV

I wipe my mouth with a piece of napkin after I've finished eating. The concert starts in about an hour and I could already hear the fans in the arena.

I get up and call AJ.

Calling: My Ey-Jey <3

After a few rings no one answers. Prolly too busy talking with her friend. I arrive near the stage but not near enough to be noticed. I spot a blond girl wearing a YMCMB hoodie similar to those I gave to AJ. I talk to one of the security guards or bouncers to call that girl and bring her here. The guy nods and soon, the girl's walking towards my direction with a big grin.

"Are you AJ's friend?" I ask her immediately.

"Who?" She tilts her head. I swear everyone's unfamiliar of AJ's nickname.

"April Joy Smith." I sigh giving her a small smile.

"Ah, yes. Sam, her best friend. Have you seen her? She's been gone quite a while." Her smile fades into a frown. My heart beats more than normal knowing AJ could be in danger.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. I haven't seen her either. How about we split up? You look over there," I point on the west. "And I'll look over here." I point my thumb behind me. She nods and trails off.

Calling: My Ey-Jey <3

It's been like forever looking for her. I've searched through everything for a good 20 minutes. No one's answering the phone. I'm about to hang up my phone when I hear my song Favorite Girl playing. Isn't that AJ's ringtone? My feet picks up speed as I come closer to the source of the sound.

I find an iPhone carelessly lying on the velvet carpet floor. I pick it up wondering whose phone is it. I restlessly open the phone without thinking I could be invading privacy, but the minute I find mine and AJ's picture as the phone's wallpaper, my heart drops.


My heart drops even deeper when I hear a scream coming from one of the doors. I find myslef rushing to the janitor's closet but furious when I learn that it's locked. I take a step back before running towards the door and kicking it. It flies open and I spot a man dressed in black and AJ whose hair's messy and hoodie almost ripped.

My right fist lands on the guys cheek, recognizing the man. I pull Jamie outside and another punch is thrown by me. He lands on the floor before scurrying off.

I go back to AJ who was in the closet, crying her eyes out. I carry her bridal style as she buries her face on my shirt. I make my way towards the dressing room where Mom, Kenny, Scooter and other crew members are inside.


"What happened?" They all chorused as I lay AJ on the sofa, not leaving her. I pull her close as she wipes tears.

"Long story." I say briefly before turning to Kenny. "Kenny can you call this blond girl named Sam?" He nods before disappearing. Everyone's still worried while I rub circles on AJ's back. They keep on asking AJ what happened but she just continues to shrug and not answer. A few minutes late, a blond girl pops inside the room. She hurries towards AJ on the other side before asking what happened. Again.

"Nothing!" She says bitterly before turning to Scooter. "So it's time for Justin's concert right?" She changes the topic so fast. Scoot looks at his wristwatch and not so soon, his eyes become wide.

"Oh shoot, she's right. 10 minutes everyone! 10 MINUTES TILL SHOWTIME!" He informs everyone then turns to me. "Justin, come on you gotta change."

"I'm not leaving her alone." I say coldly.

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