Chp. 19: A Minute of Happiness and A Year of Misery

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Justin's POV

"You're Jamie's brother?" I ask the dirty-blond boy who's about to go. My voice's nearly cracking but I remain sturdy.

"Yeah. Why? Do you know him?" He raises an eyebrow at me and I can tell by his tone that he's got suspicion all over it.

"Your ass brother kidnapped my girlfriend and used her body for money. He deserved to die." My voice's getting higher and that was a bit harsh but I couldn't care less. I'm heating up. James' taken aback before his eyebrows furrow and gives me a punch. I jolt back and give him biff myself. We exchanged a couple of blows before the bouncers scooped us in their strong arms and kicked us out of the club.

"You know who deserves to die?" James stands up. His mouth spontaneously bleeds as he glares at me. "Your girlfriend."

With those words hanging, he disappears in the darkness of the street. I manage to gather up all my strength and drag myself to my car. One person is all that I could ever think about.


Without a minute to waste, I zoom out of the club.


"Mom," I approach her as soon as my eyes spot her. "Can we hire a hundred guards around the hospital?

"What for?" She looks up at me with a confused look.

"I met Jamie's brother, James, and he threatened AJ's life." My voice cracks and pretty sure though I'll break into it. My mom had an 'o' shaped in her mouth and soon engulfs me in her tiny arms. I bury my face in her shoulder. "I just can't afford to lose her again. No, not this time."

"Shh. Don't worry, Justin. We'll get contact forces and protect April."



"And that's how you knit a purple mitten." I show AJ my masterpiece and laugh at myself. I did a pretty darn good job knitting mittens. I've done a red one, an orange one, a yellow one, a green one, a blue one and this purple one that I had just finished. I sigh learning she's probably not hearing me. "AJ," I carefully hold her hand and entwined it with mine. "I love you, don't you forget that, okay? I always have and always will. These past few months have been rough for me. This is like the toughest obstacle God had set for me. I know I could surpass this one. I just know it. I would never give up on you. You're my inspiration; you're my world. And as long as your heart continues to beat rhythmically, I will continue to love you until the day I exhaled my last breath comes."

I sounded so cliche but that didn't matter at all.

"AJ, I'm sorry." I let out a cry of tears. "I'm sorry for putting you all through this pressure. This is actually my fault. If I didn't become your boyfriend, Jamie wouldn't have been jealous and he wouldn't have kidnapped and shot you. I just.. couldn't help my feelings towards you. I love you too much, I can't let you go." I wail and bury my face on the side of the bed. I keep on letting out bawls and hiccups before I feel someone's hand roughly crawl on top of mine. I look at them for a second and my eyes instantly search for its owner.

"AJ," I managed to whisper at the brunette. Her faint blue eyes are tired and are a bit watery. The dark circles under her eyes are not that far with mine. I quickly plant a soft kiss on her forehead before finding myself smiling. A whole month in depression is tough, but finally seeing AJ awake has made me a much more relieved person. "Thank God you're awake. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lose—"

I'm cut off when AJ's index finger lands on top of my lips. She motions for a glass of water—just like before—and I quickly search for what she needed and handed to her as quickly as possible. I don't want to leave her. I want to be with her forever. After she'd finish drinking every drop of it, she smiles at me weakly and I frown, remembering James.

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