No More Kids

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"Tom, we are not having any more kids." You groaned as your husband pleaded. It was always his dream to have a big family, but it wasn't him that had to go through nearly a year of pregnancy, mood swings and cravings. You would've thought four kids was enough, considering you had only given birth just two weeks ago.

"I'm not saying right now, maybe in a few months?" He questioned as you spat out the first sip of wine since before you got pregnant. 

"Hun, I don't think you realize that it hasn't even been a month since our fourth goddamn child. give my body a break." You perched yourself on the kitchen counter. All your children were in bed, thank god. 

"Not even just one more?" He asked with a hopeful look on his face, he was starting to annoy you so kicked him. 

"What was that for?" He moaned, looking away from you in pain.

"No. More. Kids." You tutted in between sips of your drink. You hadn't exactly missed the taste of alcohol but it certainly calmed you down at the end of the night. 

"Is there anything I can do to.." He started off but you kicked him again and gave him a stern look.

"No, there is nothing. Tom we have four kids, three in which are under the age of five years old. I feel like I'm pregnant all the time and it sucks. How could you possibly think having another child is gonna solve the amount of stress and pain I have to go through?" You frowned, and almost instantly he felt guilty for pestering you so much. 

"I'm sorry love. You know I've always wanted a big family, and I guess four children is our stop." He rested his hands on both of your legs. 

"Look, I know you want a son, and believe me so do I, but I can't do it again. We've tried for a boy since baby number one, and all you got is girls." You carried on and he chuckled at you.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing. Fifteen years ago, you gave me Aria. Four years ago you gave me Allison, two years ago you gave me Alexa and two weeks ago you gave me Ariana. I couldn't be anymore thankful for that." He kissed your forehead.

"Our four little A's." You grinned, proud of your family.

"And I respect your choices, I love you and I love our girls." You kissed him on the lips this time, he really was perfect.

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