Hobbies galore Episode 13

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Julia's p.o.v
I count all the money I have one more time before I leave. I have just enough to pay for the seminar. I used some of the money from my first job(my boss turned out to be a conman) and used it to buy a black dress, shoes, and a ticket for the seminar. I kiss dad goodbye and walk to the seminar. When I walk in, I see Carl. "Fancy seeing you here."
"Same to you. Why are you here?"
"To learn about money. Isn't that what everyone is here for?"
"Right. Well, it's on the second floor."He walks over and pushes the down button.
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"My old man needs his notes."
"Can't he get them?"
"He's got more important things to do." He says as the elevator dings and we get in.
"I see. Ding, the elevator goes as it takes us down. Then there's a loud thud, and I nearly fall. "I think we're stuck."
"We can't be. He pushes the button a million times. "Oh no." He slides into a sitting position.
Gracie's p.o.v
"I'm thinking I should take these three art pieces to the art show tonight. What do you think? Louise nods. "But why? Give me a detailed answer."
"I don't think I'm the best person for that."
"As many books as you read, you ought to be able to give me something."
"I like the contrast and the use of colors. I stare, flat faced. "That's the best I can do!"
"Forget it. I wasn't really thinking about entering anyway."
"You'll win first place easy!"
"It's obvious you don't have a whole lot to say about my paintings. I wanted you to be blown away."
"Is me being speechless not being blown away?"
"It's a lot of competition. Very stressful."
"Any of these are bound to win."
"There's a poetry slam tonight right before the art show. You should go."
"I'm a reader, not a writer."'
"Just to listen."
"I don't know. That's not really my thing."
"I'm surprised. That's sounds right up your alley."
"I thought the same thing, until I went to one and fell asleep."
"I've got an idea. How about we switch hobbies for an hour? However lasts the longest... has to be the others butler for a hour."
"You're on."
Julia's p.o.v
"Why did I agree to come here?" Says Carl. "This was a bad idea." He closes his eyes and starts to breathe heavily.
"Are you ok?"
"I never should have agreed to this."
"What's wrong? Are you claustrophobic?He doesn't respond. "It's ok. Everyone is afraid of something."
"Are you?" I don't respond.
"Try thinking of a painting that makes you happy."
"A painting?"
"Or some stupid car." His breathing slows, and slowly he opens his eyes. "Better?"
"Yeah, thanks." Then he stands. I hear footsteps and start banging on the doors.
"Hey!" I shout. "We're stuck in here! Help us!"
"Don't worry! Says a woman on the outside. I'll get you help yet!"
Gracie's p.o.v
"Ready and go!" I crack open one of Louise's favorite books while she dips her brush in the easel. I'm barely a second in and I already think this was a dumb idea. Are we really this bored as to be doing each other's hobbies?
"Why did we think this was a good idea? Asks Louise.
"I don't know. Maybe we're just antsy. Wanna race?"
"Yes! That's exactly what we need!" Of course, with Louise being the expert swimmer she wins.
"So what now?" I ask after we surface. She shrugs. I make a giant water ball and throw it towards her. Not having enough time to react, she takes a deep breath of surprise.
"You're going to get it! She says, and pushes me under the water. I make the waves turn, making her fall and giving me a chance to come back up. "Well played, she says after surfacing once more. "Well played, friend." We dissolve into a fit of giggles.
Julia's p.o.v
"I thought maybe he was throwing me a surprise party, but he actually forgot my birthday. He didn't even bother to take me for apology ice cream. From then on, I made it a mission to remind my Dad when my birthday was beforehand, so he could remember to get me something."
"My dad left me on his private jet, and when it took off without warning, I had to fly back home. The pilot had fallen asleep, and dad didn't even bother to fire him. He's too busy to do things unless it concerns him. My stomach growls loudly.
Did you not eat breakfast at the seminar?"
"I didn't have the money to pay for it. I spent all my money on my outfit and the seminar."
"You paid for it with your own money?"
"I've never heard of a woman paying by herself. How did you come across such money?"
"It's a long story. I really hoped coming here would help my Dad manage his money a little better. Because of a few bad decisions, we're not the richest family on the block. It's because of these bad decisions that Mum left."
"My Mum left me too. It looks like we're in the same boat." Ding, goes the elevator and it opens.
"We're free!" I exclaim.
"Seeing as how you're hungry, I might as well take you to lunch." He says as we leave the elevator. I'm about to accept when his father comes stomping toward us.
"Where have you been? Mr. Andersson demands. "I had to go down and get my notes myself."
"We've been stuck in the elevator all day."
"What are you doing hanging out with the likes of her?"
"She was going to the seminar before we got stuck."'
"As if a woman would have interest in making money." Annoyed by such a comment, I say, "I must leave now. I'm allergic to ignorant people." And with that, I strut past him and leave. After I exit the building I don't get very far before I hear Carl call after me.
"Julia, wait, Julia!" I turn around.
"What about that lunch I'm supposed to take you to?" I'm about to respond when I see Gracie and Louise walking towards the mall nearby.
"Some other time, ok? I forgot I have to meet someone."
"Until then." He says, and kisses me gently. I smile, then after he leaves, I head toward the others who now are already in the mall.
"What's with the dress?" Asks Gracie.
"Can't a girl play dress up now and then? What are you doing here?"
"Walking around. We tried calling you before we came, where have you been all day?"
"Out and about."

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