What Do You Like About Me?

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Thomas POV

"They call it a study group James" I say readjusting myself in the uncomfortable library chair that I'm sure was worth 45 cents "because people usually study when at study group."

James, Washington, Aaron and I where sitting at a decrepit table in the school library History 12 texts book open in front of us but none of us where looking at them. James couldn't stop bombarding me with questions about Alexander and me. It had been almost 2 weeks now and he still didn't get it.

"I just don't get it. What do you like about him?" James says.

I glance at Washington before sighing "After I tell you we study?"

The guys nod and I smile a little. "Well Alexander has that smile. And it's not just how it looks on his face but he is happy like an actually happy person. I know he has rough life sometimes but he always has a smile. The only time he isn't smiling is when he is in the 'zone' like damn that kid is smart. It's pretty amazing how smart one person can be. And you know how some people are art smart or science smart or history smart. Well he is all of them. He writes these poems and, never tell him I told you this, but he even writes raps and it is amazing. But he is also good at math and science like I could just sit for hours a watch him do math because you can see the wheels turning in his mind it is an honour to watch. And come on who can not fall for a guy with hair like that."

"Okay so The Revolutionary War" Washington says.

Alexander's POV

"See Laf you know how I don't want to be homeless." I say to my brother.

"Yeah" he replies confused.

"See that can only happen if I get a job, and that can only happen if I graduate, and that can only happen if I finish this essay and that can only happen if you STOP THROWING THE GOD DAMN PILLOWS AT ME!" I say aggressively throwing the pillow back at him.

"But mon fere I want to talk to you" he groans. "Tell me about your last date with Thomas. You were all blushy and smiley when you came home."

"It was a good date" I state before turning back to my laptop.

"What was good about it?" He prys.

"I don't know that Thomas was there" I say without even thinking. I just wanted to study.

"What do you like about Thomas?" He asks.

I groan and close my laptop. "If I tell you what I like about Thomas will you let me study?"

Lafayette grins and nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay well, he calls me darling that's pretty cute. Honestly if it was anyone else I think I would hate it. I would give some rant about not being anyone's darling but when Thomas says it, it sounds right. Like it is what he is suppose to call me. And it's not just the darling thing he is a real gentleman. The opening doors, paying for coffee, holding my hand kinda gentleman. And that being said I really like holding his hand. This will for sure sound weird but there cold. His hands are cool to the touch so when I hold them it feels calming and nice. And come on who can not fall for a guy with hair like that."

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