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Ruby: cheers luv, the cavalry's here.

Ruby began chasing up on (Y/N), she began running at incredible speed with an ass that would put Tracer to shame. The gal began shooting at (Y/N) and began using her semblance to escape his bullets. But no avail, the bullets still manage to hit Ruby and take her down. Ruby fell flat, (Y/N) placed his fingers on his visor and pointed them to Ruby to taunt her. (Y/N) took a path and ran towards a Weiss who glares at (Y/N) then sends her ultimate. Weiss watches three rockets fire at her, she unsheathes her katana and speaks her Schnee words of wisdom.

Weiss: yujin no ken wo kurae!!!

Two dragons guide blade and draws the rockets to return to (Y/N), he is hit on impact. He quickly deploys a healing pod and attempts to recover. Weiss dashes toward (Y/N), ready to strike...only to be met with a punch by (Y/N)'s fist. Weiss falls back and breathes heavily, desperately attempting to catch air. A wall shatters with a huge metal fist punching through it. Yang hops out of the hole in the wall and a second person appears. Blake was the second figure, she was missing her mask but her edgy face still frightens those around her.

Blake: Soldier 77, I have been waiting for this...

(Y/N): so have I, now you have no escape...

Blake: Yang, regroup with the others and bring them here, this is between me and him.

Blake draws out her dual shotguns and blasts towards (Y/N), luckily, he dodges and rolls towards the side and release his ultimate while activating his tactical visor.

(Y/N): I've got you in my SIGHTS!

He locks on to Blake and delivers a barrage of bullets, Blake feels weakened, she could barely pull off her ultimate. Blake gasps for air as she limps towards a wall, she is then greeted by (Y/N) who takes a healing pod and places it next to her. Her wounds heal up fast and (Y/N) sits next to Blake.

Blake: (Y/N), ever since our dads, Jack and Gabriel, left us to fight...I fell, in love with you.

(Y/N): me too.

Blake is pulled by her cheek, softly into a passionate kiss that turns into a full on make-out session. Blake rests on (Y/N)'s lap and begins slowly kissing. They were, however, interrupted by the other girls that (Y/N) fought earlier. Yang bursted and began confronting Blake.

Yang: what the fuck, Blake?

Blake and (Y/N) seperated and look to see Weiss, Yang, and Ruby.

Blake: what Yang? What's wrong?

(Y/N): she's jealous.

Yang: I'm not jealous, she said we would share you!

(Y/N): WHAT?!?!?!

Blake: you're ours now, you could use more heroes right?~

Blake began purring as she began nuzzling herself on (Y/N), the other girls piled themselves around (Y/N) as they began dozing off, thinking about saving the future of RWBY-watch!

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