Penny Bending Rodriguez

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(Y/N) stood patiently on a line to what he thinks is a phone booth but is really a suicide booth. He looks around him and sees a robot with orange ginger hair wearing a green highlighted outfit. He looks at the robot in surprise and interacts with it.

(Y/N): woah, a real life robot...or is that some kind of cheesy new years costume?

The robot, with crossed arms and a foot tapping the ground, faces (Y/N) and displays a phrase.

Penny: bite my shiny metal ass.

(Y/N) looks over and gets a nice view of the robot's ass, though it is round and big, he failed to see how it's shiny.

(Y/N): doesn't look so shiny to me.

Penny responds with another phrase.

Penny: shinier than yours, meat bag.

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