Part 7

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Elyza's POV
I walk in with my head down, Kade and I take a seat at a booth. I hide my face behind the menu.

"Decide what you want?" Kade asks.

"The macaroni and cheese." It was my mom's favorite.

"And to drink?" The waitress who I didn't know was there asks. She's an older lady.

"Lemonade." I reply.

She smiles taking Kade's order and the menu.

"Miller?" An older lady ask coming up to the booth.

I look up to her. "Uh yeah." I don't want to be rude.

"You look so much like your mother. It's a shame they died." She says.

Kade looks over at me confused.

"Yes it is." I reply.

"They were great people, always helping the community. Did they ever arrest the killer?" She asks.

I hold back my tears, I hate talking about my parents. "Yes, it was my uncle."

"And you were able to find a new family? They treat you well?" She asks.


"That's good." She replies walking off.

"This is the town you lived in?" Kade asks.


"Why didn't you say anything? I would I have went somewhere else." He replies.

"I didn't want to risk you wanting me to go see my parent's graves. You would have given me this whole speech about how I've never gone to see them. I didn't even go to the funeral."



Just then the waitress comes back with our food and the check.

"For the Miller's daughter it's on the House." She says smiling.

"Thank you." I reply with a smile.

Kade and I eat in silence.

Once we are done we leave the diner and get in the car. Kade doesn't start the car right off.

"Are we gonna go?" I ask.

"Are you sure you don't want to see them?" He asks.

"I can't. I don't have it in me. Coming back here was too much." I reply.

"Okay." He replies.

We head back to Los Angles, about 10 minutes into the ride I fall asleep. Today's been too much for me.

Kade's POV
I knew something was off when we walked into that diner and she got all quiet but I didn't think it would be that, I figured maybe she wasn't feeling good.

I understand why she didn't want to go see the graves today, today was not what she thought it was going to be at all.

She looks so drained sleeping next to me.

I call Logan and put him on speaker since I know she will most likely be out until we get back.

Phone conversation

L: hello?

K: hey

L: what's up?

K: so elyza and I just went out for lunch and apparently it was in the town she grew up in.

L: wait really? What happened?

K: an older lady came up to her and started talking about her parents. I could tell she was holding back tears. She's sleeping now, we're on our way back to L.A.

L: Wait are her parents buried there?

K:yeah, she didn't want to visit their graves, it was too much.

L:okay, can you bring her home?

K: of course. It will probably be 30 minutes.

L:okay see you guys then.

K: okay bye.


End of phone conversation

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