Part 11

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Elyza's POV
I open the door and automatically shut it locking it.

"Elyza open the door." He says.



"Is my dad with you guys?" I ask.

"No, after we looked around where you were everyone paired up and looked around nearby spots."

"Well go say you had no luck here." I reply.

"Elyza open the door. Or we can go get the spare key the lady at the front desk offered us."

I don't say anything. I unlock the door and open it. I stand in the way so they can't come in.

Jonah and Kade just stare at me.

"Can we come in?" Jonah asks.

Kade doesn't wait for a response and walks past me bumping into my leg, I wince.

Jonah walks in shutting the door. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine." I reply.

"Elyza." Kade says sternly.

"Look are you going to call him or not?" I ask putting my shoes on. Hell yeah I'm going to run. I'm not going back.

Kade turns his back and calls my dad. And Jonah goes to the bathroom. I quietly walk to the door.

I make down the road until I bump into someone who is running my direction. I fall to the ground. I look up to see Uncle Jake. Just great. I try to get up, he doesn't quite realize it's me until I stand up. He grabs my arm not saying anything and brings be back up to the motel room.

"Nice job guys." He says sitting me down on the bed.

"I didn't even hear her and Jonah just got out of the bathroom." Kade says hanging up the phone. "Logan's going to be here in 20 minutes with everyone else."

I get up and head to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. I can feel the bandage soaked with blood.

"Uh sit." Uncle Jake says.

"I need to grab something." I say standing where I am.

"Sit down." He says sternly.

I sit down and he gets up. "What do you need.

"The first aid kit." I mumble.

He goes it gets it and brings it back.

I roll my pant leg up and take the bandage off.

"Okay, you can go do that in the bathroom. And when you're done you can explain what the hell happened." He says.

I nod my head.

"Jonah go help her." He says.

Jonah follows me to the bathroom.

I set my leg on the counter and wet some paper towels and clean it up again.

"Oh my word Elyza what happened. That's deep, like stitches deep."

"It's too late for stitches. But I was running and it's all kind of a blur." I reply putting a new bandage on it. "Believe it or not it's better than before." I say heading back to the bed where I sit back down.

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