Chapter 1: How the Friendship Began

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Note: Ta da! It's chapter 1! This is a shorter chapter than we originally anticipated it to be, but we did not want to write in detail about their entire childhoods together. So this will introduce it before getting to the really interesting stuff. aka: their teenage years! 

For reference, by the end of this chapter they will be in their early teens.

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Chapter 1: How the Friendship Began

Sun shined through the trees and across the hedges and illuminated the snow globe on Daisy's desk. She sat at her desk scanning through her geometry textbook. Desperate to figure out the answer, she reread three chapters and worked her way through yesterday's homework again. She wrote away, losing track of the hours. As the sun began to set, the ray of light struck the globe, bouncing back to strike her eyes. Blocking the light with her hand, she glanced up for the first time in hours and spotted a shadow in the neighbor's window. Grinning and closing her textbook, she went to meet him at the tree.

She could not remember how old she was when she found out the neighbors had a son her age. She only remembered seeing a figure in the window and a boy in a mask sprinting across the yard. Daisy spent a lot of time watching him. Never seeing his face but seeing his figure or the masks he wore under his sweatshirt, she could not help but be curious. Her mom told her he did not like being seen. Her dad said o never go near him. So, she kept watch from afar, curious about the boy who never left the house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Brandon's father hated him, that much was clear. Determined to make sure the town never saw, he hid away in his room. He came out for his mother's school lessons, sneaking to the shed in the backyard on his breaks. He di not remember an age either, but he knew about Daisy for as long as he could remember. She always wore her hair down and rarely stayed inside. Adventurous and curious, she climbed trees in the backyard and learned to climb the fence separating her yard from the forest. He learned her schedule, always catching a glimpse before she knew he was there. Her family called her Daisy, which he wrote in his notebooks. Carefully crafted letters he shredded before his family found them.

Brandon watched from afar because Daisy could never like someone like him. She was beautiful, and he was ugly. The blonde hair looked beautiful in the sun, and he could not even take off his mask. Her family hugged her and played with her. His father could not stand to look at him. She belonged in his dreams. So, he kept writing and shredded them, one after another.

Brandon watched her, though, and Daisy watched him. They did not know the other was watching. They waited a year. A year in child's time feels like eternity, but it took a year for Brandon to stop shredding his notes. He wrote it after his lessons. Sitting at his desk staring at the note, he tore it out of the notebook. The moment he would normally rip it, he did not do it. He folded the paper and stuck it in the back pocket of his pants. The mask came with him. He hoped she did not see or approach him. He ran to the hedge between their houses and placed the note between two branches, far enough forward so she could spot it from her yard. Hopeful for the first time in his life, he went back inside before his family knew he went outside.

Daisy did not notice the note right away, but he watched to see if she did. The next day, she walked along the hedge headed for the tree she liked to climb. Brushing her fingers against the branches as she walked, the folded note fell to the ground. She picked it up, unfolded the paper, and read what he wrote. It was simple; nothing like the others he wrote. The note she read only contained three words:

I am Brandon.

She did not go to the three that day. Practicing a response, she filled pages in her notebook. She folded the paper the way Brandon did before putting it in the hedge for him to find. It was simple, like his.

I am Daisy.

They wrote back and forth, sometimes multiple times in a day. The notes started in the hedge. After a few weeks, when Brandon's brother Troy found a note, Brandon started putting the notes in the tree between their houses. It became a game to Daisy. She searched the yard hoping to find more notes from him. Brandon laughed while watching her look for them. He began putting them in different spots when he saw how much she liked it.

They formed an unusual friendship. Daisy felt special and Brandon found himself smiling even as his father yelled. He liked having a friend who cared. He always wanted to hear about her and her life.

Their conversations grew more complex as the years went on. They found a routine in leaving notes in the tree. Daisy caught herself trying to see him, but she still only saw the mask.

Brandon's notes were almost poetic. He poured his heart into everyone he left her, and he often worked on them for hours. Daisy herself often worked all day on a note before leaving it for him.

Daisy did not realize how much she relied on him until he stopped writing. For days, she left note after note. His bedroom light was dark. She did not see his mask, or even a shadow. She missed him. Her friendship did not listen the way he did. He was gone for days before she spotted him in his mask again. She sat in the tree as she spotted him. She smiled wide, almost falling out of the tree to get a better look at him. Waiting in the tree until it got dark, she eventually had to go inside for the night. He found her notes and left one in its place that night. Daisy had never felt so happy to read a note.

Sorry I was gone. I should have told you. I'm sure you're ready to tell me what I missed.

Daisy felt too relieved to ask why he left. Months later though, when he was gone again, she thought it. She almost asked the third time but didn't have the courage until the fourth. She was surprised and confused to read his response.

There's something wrong with me. I don't look right. My family's trying to fix it.

Brandon would not explain further. She kept asking, but he avoided the subject. He did not realize Daisy did not care what he looked like. She liked him. He was smart, creative, and funny. She did not think about his looks. Meeting her in person terrified him. He did not want to lose her. He knew he was in deep when he received a note from Daisy.

Why don't you get it? Brandon, I don't care what you look like! I like you! You're my best friend. I want to know because it seems important. I won't leave.

Brandon knew he loved Daisy when he was 10 years old, but it wasn't until that note that he realized she might feel something. Out of pure fear or losing her if he didn't tell her, he sent her a note back. Daisy could not even begin to comprehend how her heart was acting when she read it.

Where do you want to meet?

Daisy grinned after she realized what it meant. She was going to talk to Brandon in person.

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