Chapter 3: The Week Away

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Note: We have finally posted chapter 3! I know it's taking us a while sometimes to update chapters, but I am swamped with school. Not only do I have papers and articles to write, but I'm graduating so I have a final portfolio to put together. So, hopefully you understand. 

What do you think of the first few chapters so far? There's a lot of jumping around at first because we wanted to show different elements of their childhood, but it's going to slow down now and go really in depth with some of the characters.


Chapter 3: The Week Away

Their friendship continued with the addition of a set time to spend with each other at least once a week. Most of the time they met in the barn and other times they met at the tree or in their yards if no one else was home. Brandon told Troy, who surprised him by saying he was happy Brandon made a friend. Brandon refused to tell his parents. His mother tutored him in the morning and left him alone in the afternoon. His father left him alone altogether. If he did see Brandon it was to yell at him about how worthless he was. Daisy's parents found out she still talked to Brandon, but they did not know she met with him in person. She was met with criticism and daily argument from her father about ending her friendship with him.

Their family's disagreements brought Brandon and Daisy closer. Daisy used every excuse to try to meet with Brandon more than once a week. She snuck to his bedroom window at night or ran to meet him in the barn when she saw him walk there earlier in the day. With every bad mood Brandon had, he tried to convince Daisy to stop talking to him. Daisy responded by refusing and changing the subject. After the first dozen times, Daisy stopped answering at all.

Brandon's notes started changing as Brandon and Daisy's friendship changed. They turned into poems or stories he wrote inspired by Daisy. He poured his feelings into every note he sent, and they only made Daisy fall for him more. Brandon did not want to scare her away by his feelings, but his feelings grew too large to hide. Daisy kept trying to hide her feelings, determined not to take it further knowing it would anger her father. He would never forgive her if he found out how she felt.

A new letter almost a year later stopped her in her tracks and caused her to re-think everything she thought she was doing. Cassie and Adam James scheduled another surgery for Brandon. They needed to travel across the country to a prestigious hospital that promised to "fix" Brandon's face. They promised his parents he would look "normal." It angered Daisy. She did not want him gone, but more than that, she knew how much Brandon hated surgeries. He hated to have doctors and nurses stare at him. He hated how much pain it took for his face to heal only for him to look at it after and see no difference. She wished she could travel with them so she could support him while he went through that.

She put the letter down and looked out her window, spotting Brandon looking at her from his bedroom window. He took his hand out of his sweatshirt and point to his backyard. Daisy nodded and smiled as she ran to her closet. She put on a sweater and slowly opened her bedroom door. Her parents already went to sleep and their door was already closed, which was a good sign. She easily walked down the stairs and out the back door without a loud noise to wake them.

The grass felt wet underneath her bare feet. She crossed her yard and snuck behind the hedge and into the James yard. Brandon already stood close to the hedge. She felt her breath get stuck in her throat when Brandon threw his arms around her in a hug.

"I don't want to go," he said. "I don't want to go, but I don't have a choice."

Daisy wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, trying to engrain in her mind what it felt like to hug him. His hair felt surprisingly soft and he smelled like chocolate. She suspected it was from candy bars, which he liked to hide in a drawer in his room. She knew he started crying. She could feel the water from his tears as he rested his face against her shoulder.

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