Chapter 5: He'll Always Be Bad News

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Note: Chapter 5 is here! Not much to say except this was actually really fun to write and I did not expect the entire chapter to cover this one concept we had planned. 

We hope you are enjoying the story! Don't forget to vote and comment to let us know what you think! 

Hopefully updates will start being more regular now. I graduated college yesterday so I have more time to write now. :) 

Chapter 5: He'll Always Be Bad News

"Where have you been, Daisy?" Dennis asked as Daisy tried to sneak past him and to her room.

Daisy sighed and turned around to face her dad. He sat on the chair in the living room watching television.

"I was out with friends," Daisy lied.

"Friends?" Dennis asked. "Would one of these friends be Brandon James?"

"What makes you think that?" Daisy asked, "I was spending time with Laura."

"Do you think I'm stupid?!" Dennis exclaimed, standing from his chair. "I saw you in their yard, Daisy! Don't you dare try to lie to me! What did I tell you about spending time with him?"

"He's not bad!" Daisy yelled, "You don't even know him! You just know what the town says about him!"

"Maybe they have a point!"

"And maybe they don't know him!" Daisy yelled back.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Dennis asked her, "You do know what people say about him, don't you? He's bad news, Daisy. I don't want you spending time with someone like that. You could have a great future ahead of you, but you won't if you keep hanging around him."

Daisy replied, "Having Brandon in my life doesn't automatically mean I will not have a good future. I can still do everything I want to do and have him in my life."

"No, you can't! That's what you're not understanding! You have no idea how the adult works, Daisy! If you spend time with him, you will forever be known as the friend of Brandon James. People will judge you for it. They will fire you from your job when they find out. They will refuse to give you service when they see you with him."

Daisy laughed at how absurd her father sounded. She knew people would always judge Brandon by the way he looks. What she knew her father, and everyone else, did not understand was the fact that she did not care they thought. What they said angered her, yes, because Brandon did not deserve it, but it did not bother her. It did not bother her because she knew their opinions would not change their minds. They did not know him the way she did.

"I don't think you understand, dad," Daisy started saying. "I don't care what you or anyone in Lakewood says about him because I know you haven't talked to him. I know you don't know who he really is, but I do because I have taken the time to get to know him. I may be the only one who has, but at least I can say I am not bullying someone because of the way he looks."

Dennis shook his head. He wanted Daisy to understand how dangerous he was. One of these days she would end up in trouble and it would be because of something Brandon did.

"He's bad news, Daisy."

Daisy shook her head immediately. "Just because you say it doesn't make it true."

"Yes, it is," Dennis told her. "I know people like Brandon. He'll always be bad news."

"You are never going to convince me," Daisy stated. "You can repeat it a million times. You could give me pictures and evidence to prove it, but I still would not believe you. I'll believe him."

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