Chapter 10: When You Can't Hold it in Anymore

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Note: Thank you for the continued support. We promise all the excitement and gory details are coming soon. These chapters are meant to lead up to what we all know is going to happen. And let's be honest, Codie and I love Daisy and Brandon so we needed as many adorable moments as possible. 


Chapter 10: When You Can't Hold it in Anymore

Daisy could not go to school the next day. She told her parents she was sick. Considering she spent the last couple weeks thinking she was catching the flu, they had no reason to doubt her. She needed the day to process her news.

She was pregnant. She was pregnant with Brandon James' child. They needed to find a solution soon. Kevin could never find out she was pregnant with Brandon's baby. Her and Kevin have never had sex. Even if he did not know it was Brandon's, he would know she cheated on him. She did not want to witness how mad he would be.

Daisy spent the morning in bed. She felt too nauseated to eat and her mind kept spinning with all the decisions she could make about her pregnancy. She could keep the baby and risk her relationship with her family. She could keep the baby and run away with Brandon. They did always want to move away together. She could get rid of the baby. She could give the baby up for adoption.

Daisy felt she had a clearer head by the time Laura showed up at her house after school. She sat with Laura in the living room. They turned on the television, but neither one was paying attention to it.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Laura asked, "I know you've felt sick, but you look more than sick today. Are you okay?"

Daisy shook her head. "I'm not sick. I was never sick."

"So, you lied?"

She shook her head again.

"I don't understand."

"Laur, I'm pregnant."

"What?! Whose is it?!"

Daisy sighed. She brought her knees up to her chest, wrapped her arms around her knees, and rested her face against her knees. Laura didn't need an answer.

"Maggie, is there any chance it's –"

"No," Daisy interrupted, "Kevin and I have never had sex."

"But you and Brandon have," Laura finished.

Daisy nodded.

"Maggie, what are you going to do? You know how the entire town will react when they find out."

"I know."

"How are you feeling?" she asked Daisy.

Daisy replied, "Upset. Frustrated."

"That's understandable, you –"

She interrupted again. "Excited."

"What?" Laura asked.

"I'm excited," Daisy told her. "I'm happy. I'm in love. This is exactly what I want, but it's happening too soon. Brandon and I were supposed to graduate and move out of Lakewood. We were supposed to get our fresh start in two years. It's two years too soon, Laura. I'm not an adult yet. My parents still control my life. They'll never let me have Brandon's baby."

"I think there's a more important question you need to answer."

"What is that?"

Laura asked, "Do you want to have Brandon James' baby?"

She smiled. "Yes. Laura, I do. Does that sound crazy? I'm only 16."

"No, it's not crazy. You love each other. You've been planning your lives together since you were kids practically. But you must be careful. There has to be a solution that doesn't end with your family and the town hating both of you."

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