Chapter 9: Not So Sweet 16

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Note: This is my favorite chapter yet! I wrote this entire chapter by hand when I went away for the weekend. I was freaking out the entire time because of how adorable it is (I just really love Daisy and Brandon okay). Codie and I love this chapter more than anything, so we hope you enjoy it, too! 

And we did warn you on twitter that the excitement was coming soon. Meet the first part of the excitement. 

Chapter 9: Not So Sweet 16

Brandon brought Daisy around the lake and through the woods to an old RV. If you were not looking for it, you would never find it. Daisy had no idea it was there, but she knew it was Brandon's. She saw books and papers on the counter when she walked in.

"Where did you get this?" she asked him.

"Dad does not like when I am around the house all the time, mom either. With the money I save, Troy helped me get this. I brought my books here and my writing so I'm not in the way at home. You and Troy can help me learn without mom and dad finding out."

"I love it." Daisy smiled. "I look forward to coming out here again. What have you been writing?"

"Actually," Brandon said, "It's your birthday present. I wanted to create something unique, and special, for you."

Daisy laughed as she noticed the stack of seven books on the counter.

"Is that what these are for?" she asked.

He grinned. "Yeah. It took me a while to put everything together. Troy is taking them back for me tomorrow."

"Do I get to see this present yet?"

"No, you need your cake first. Those are the birthday rules."

"Cake? What are you talking about? Please tell me you did not make me a cake, Brandon?"

Brandon laughed. "I tried, but I failed. I gave Troy money and he bought one. I don't have candles, though."

Daisy laughed as he finished. He went out of his way to make her a gift and get her a cake, but he thought she cared about candles on the cake.

"You've given me more than I ever expected. This is perfect. I don't need candles."

"Okay. I'll get everything out."

Daisy sat at the table as Brandon pulled a cake out of the cupboard. He took off the top of the container and set the cake in front of Daisy. It was a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. Brandon knew her well. He continued to prove that. He put her present next to the cake and sat across from Daisy.

"This is a tiny, beautiful cake," Daisy said. "You do know I can eat this entire cake?"

He chuckles. "I figured. Do you want cake first or present?"

"Definitely cake. You're right; it's a birthday tradition. And I'm starving."

Brandon passed her a fork and they took bites straight from the cake. They didn't talk much as they ate, but Daisy liked it. It was peaceful. It was everything the party wasn't. As she warned Brandon, it didn't take them long to finish the cake. By the time they finished, Daisy moved to sit next to Brandon. She grabbed the present and rested it on her lap. She lifted the top and inside was a book, but it was not a regular book. It was a journal. Daisy opened and grinned when she saw the first page.

Daisy (MTV Scream Spin-off)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ